Not too sure on what goes down in the next scene, but I think she asks him if he doesn’t smoke, starts walking into the garage and Nero gets up kinda defensively stop her and she throws her arms up in a surrender pose? As I said, not too sure on this part.In whatever happened...
(维吉尔—开始与终结) Nico—The Artisan Arms(妮可—武器大师) Trish—The Bewitching Devil(翠西—迷人的恶魔) Lady— The Walking Arsenal(蕾蒂—行走的军火库) 分享2225 2ch吧 度渡谷歌 求日语大神帮忙翻译一下nero的all night的中文歌词OTZ以下是日语歌词,百度知道的链接【
(维吉尔—开始与终结) Nico—The Artisan Arms(妮可—武器大师) Trish—The Bewitching Devil(翠西—迷人的恶魔) Lady— The Walking Arsenal(蕾蒂—行走的军火库) 分享2225 鬼泣吧 相對物質 【YY】鬼泣5剧情(ARGOSAX再度复活)DANTE突然发现魔界又有一股新的力量似乎要侵入人类的世界,于是只身一人闯入魔界,到达魔界...