反叛者联盟发射器的原型应该是源自著名的斯特林冲锋枪(Sterling submachine gun)。其实大多数NERF发射器都能找到对应的原型,例如我在NERF系列原创第三篇中展示的Nerf Zombie Strike SlingFire Blaster(俗称:僵温)的原型就是由著名的美国枪械设计师约翰·勃朗宁设计,美国温彻斯特连发武器公司生产的杠杆式霰弹枪温彻斯特M1887(...
玩具无罪创建的收藏夹玩具无罪内容:Nerf Zombie Slingfire 僵尸温切斯特 把玩 速射~,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
and it seems that NERF’s just riding another cultural wave of cyber western themes, following the immense popularity of the Zombie Strike line, which too rode the similar Zombie-Apocalypse wave.
Stryfe—sleek semi auto blaster, fun to use as a SMG. Stryker—feels like a assault rifle, super powerful and accurate . Slingfire with modules scope—looks awesome and I’m really accurate with it. Alpha rough—feels like I’m sniper from TF2. X shot crusher—feels like I’m heavy fr...
Defend against a zombie invasion with Zombie Strike blasters Ignite the night with Fire Vision sports gear that glows when thrown Raise your game with the Pro-Grip Football and Nerfoop basketball set PrimeEligibleBuy on Amazon However, I have not been able to get along with it. The grip is...
Just got my demolisher for a nerf zombie war, and I love it. It has good range, and a solid rate of fire. Couldn't understand why everyone was complaining about jams, until I purposefully created one by not letting the motor rev up all the way. As long as you don't store the dar...
這支弓是少見的下拉式上膛,感覺很像Slingfire 大獵槍,但即便上膛了也不能扣扳機,必須把箭弩放入後,觀測口顯示可擊發才有辦法擊發,而且要確實把箭弩放到底,因為只有放進去,但沒有觸發到保險開關一樣無法射擊。值得一提的是,它是第一把使用 Rebelle 現代箭頭的 NERF 槍不多說,下一帖來看 分享5414 nerf吧 ...
17. Zombie Strike FlipFury Blaster Check Price on Amazon My review: The zombie Strike FlipFurry operates a lot like the Strongarm I reviewed earlier. The priming handle located on the top rear of the blaster is easy to operate and with slam-fire, you can hold down the trigger and shoot ...
Nerf Zombie Strike Brainsaw Billed as the ultimate zombie hunting weapon, this weapon combines a shotgun-style blaster with a chainsaw, combining two of pop culture’s favorite weapons for taking out the undead horde. It holds up to eight darts on four barrels at each side of the blaster,...
Nerf War/fight Tactics!: Having Nerf wars with your friends is great fun! In this instructable I will be showing you some of the Nerf war tactics that I use