而这种设计很好的被后续的球弹传送带发射器所继承,诚然,由于采用的载弹方式不同,后续的发射器大多不能在保证供弹顺畅的前提下,保证射速。 【图片 2.2-033】校准者(Regulator·守护者发射器·N-STRIKE MODULUS·2017) 截止2022年9月,发表于2017年所属于模块系列的校准者,是NERF历史上第一把也是唯一一把有快慢机...
侦察者 MK3是同名发射器的第三代,第一代为N-STRIKE系列的Recon CS-6,第二代为N-STRIKE MODULUS系列的 Recon MKII,本款为第三代,“III”实至名归。虽然同为侦察,甚至主题就是二代换色,但本款更换了全部配件,尾托更换为Regulator的,弹匣更换为12发,前管更换为Stealth Ops Upgrade Kit的,并追加携带了Strike...
而这种设计很好的被后续的球弹传送带发射器所继承,诚然,由于采用的载弹方式不同,后续的发射器大多不能在保证供弹顺畅的前提下,保证射速。 【图片 2.2-020】校准者(Regulator·守护者发射器·N-STRIKE MODULUS·2017) 截止2022年9月,发表于2017年所属于模块系列的校准者,是NERF历史上第一把也是唯一一把有快慢机...
Hasbro 孩之宝 Nerf 热火Modulus Regulator 软弹枪,原价$66.99,现仅售$25.49,免运费。此为Amazon历史最低价! 此款玩具枪具有单发射击、速射和连续射击三种射击方式。带有2个射击瞄准镜、2个弹夹(每个可以装12发子弹)和24个软弹头。
NERF Modulus Regulator A full-auto blaster that allows you to switch to semi-auto or burst fire, which is darn cool and makes this the best N-Strike Elite machine gun Buy on Amazon NERF Mega Mastodon A full-auto MEGA blaster is something to behold…it is nuts, but I love it!
NERF Modulus Regulator Toy (Amazon Exclusive) $106.21 Free Shipping NERF Microshots Marvel Captain America $30.95 Free Shipping Dimple Electronic Shooting Target for Kids - Moving Digital Target Practice Game for Boys and Girls - Elite Toys Set for Children with Guns, Sounds, Tracks - Cool Accesso...
It has a front and rear sling mount, along with rail system on the top of the blaster for N-Strike attachments. Rate of Fire:Single shot blaster with slam fire Type of Projectile:Nerf Elite Darts Capacity:Holds 15 rounds 19. Nerf Modulus Regulator ...
NERF Modulus 模块系列 BarrelStrike 前管四炮 评测 上传者:龙耀九天garo 08:40 NERF 星球大战:侠盗一号 周边发射器 星战STF异色限定全配版 上传者:龙耀九天garo 16:40 NERF N-Strike Elite精英系列 Terrascout绝地坦克评测 上传者:龙耀九天garo 09:42 NERF Modulus模块系列 Regulator 校准者 评测 03 上传者:...
The NERF Modulus Tri-Strike is a spring-powered blaster with some cool modular attachments that fire Mega darts and a Missile. But is this just a gimmick? NERF Modulus Regulator Review – Full or Semi Auto at the flick of a switch
2017accustrikealien menacedoomlandsdreadboltjudgemegamodulusnemesisnerfNewsnitroraptorstrikeregulatorrivalselect firethe judgetwinshockvoidcasterzombie strike Spring 2017 blasters aren’t really spring 2017 at all. Most, if not all, have already been spotted and the remaining ones are single shot Rebelle ...