【官方转载】NERF..Raider Rapid Fire CS-35<基本资料>中文名:速射CS-35发射器系列-N-Strike年份-2009上市价-32.99刀子弹类型-经典内置弹载弹量-35发内构-反塞式
概览。 本图解以AS20(RAPID FIRE AS-20·N-STRIKE·?),以及模块横冲(Battlescout ICS-10·N-STRIKE MODULUS·2016),的内构为原型绘制。 【图片 1.7-94】图解【半位式早期型】旋转棘轮的各部位名称与功能(2) 【1】.软弹。 请参考前文。 【2】.旋转棘轮展开图。 部分讲解请参考前文。 半位式早期型旋转...
由于极端缺少早期发射器的资料,笔者追溯到最早采用手动旋转棘轮的发射器,是2005年发表的萤火虫(Firefly REV-8·N-STRIKE·2005)和小牛(Maverick REV-6·N-STRIKE·2005)。早期发射器,笔者认为不存在手动旋转棘轮。是的,原因在于早期发射器的弹轮基本都是全部外露于发射器的头部。最有希望提高手动旋转棘轮诞生年份的是...
The NERF N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike The RapidFire is the oldest design in this list. It is the slowest firing, least powerful, and the least accurate. So why have I put this as my favorite N-Strike Elite machine gun? Nerf CS-18 N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike The Rapid strike CS-18 blaste...
橫沖有一个侧面载弹系统,所以一般被归类于 2009 年 N-Strike Raider Rapid Fire CS-35 的直接接班人。共有三种配色,没错是三种!!!N-Strike Elite(蓝色,白色,黑色,灰色和橙色)N-Strike Elite Elite XD(蓝色,白色,黑色,灰色和橙色;前管 RAMPAGE 上方少了白条纹)-称为”economy variant “SONIC ICE(冰透...
Best premium nerf rival gun:Nerf Rampage N-Strike Elite Toy Blaster Nerf Rampage N-Strike Elite Toy Blaster is a product that is tight, precise, and easy to use. Oh yes, we forgot to mention – you also have the option to rapidly fire 25 consecutive darts without having to recharge. Al...
各位看照片有没有跟RapidStrike CS-18很像呀?导轨提拔部分简直就是复制沾粘的,笑。MOTOSTRYKE,可能是MOTO+STRIKE,也就是摩托+强袭,所以还叫他MEGA E吧。发射器采用半自动模式发射,这也是MEGA系列首个弹匣式电动发射器,可喜可贺!!!发射器带有一个MEGA弹匣,10枚MEGA弹,定价居然只要39.99美元!!!发射器除了提拔...
On the first glance, it appears to be a Firestrike-Doublestrike fused together, and then doubled again! But if they can be fused, then the can also be……. Split! You got that right, this another 2-in-1 blaster that literally splits in two blasters. Even if it has less practicalit...
Best rapid-fire blaster Megalodon Nerf N-Strike Blaster You may have a sniper in your squad, but how about a machine gunner? Be ready to be the squad’s indomitable machine gunner with the Megalodon Blaster. Its drum can hold a whopping 20 whistler darts. That is more than enough to pow...
[水]NERF 系列..XDELITE XD(或 MEGA XD)是 N-Strike Elite、N-Strike Mega 系列中的隐藏系列,官方说法是属于性能提升的一个系列。配备 Elite XD 的发射器具有更强的内