STRYFE这是继今年初1号系列后,推出的2号Micro Shots系列。包含了N-Strike Elite 的StryfeN-Strike Elite XD的 Rough Cut 2x4以及Zombie Strike的Crosssfire Bow。一样是Jolt的结构。原枪的缩小涂装。比较不一样的是,Stryfe虽说是橙机但却是灰色拉柄,Crossfire Bow,有装饰弓臂可以展开。台湾家乐福是世界首发(其实...
The Stryfe just does what you want of a semi-auto blaster, but what makes this a great buy is the range of modification kits you can get – nothing comes close! Read my full review of the N-Strike Elite Stryfe here. Check out my full run-down of the best semi-auto NERF guns here...
An Elite Dart is a type of Nerf dаrt that was released in 2012 under the N-Strike Elite series. Like Streamline Darts, Elite Darts are compatible with standard N-Strike clips and drums. Despite their ability to be used in Streamline Dart clips and drums