Zombies Attacked Lyly Go Fishing NERF GUNS PRANK, 视频播放量 112、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 大神就是这么帅, 作者简介 每一个日出,总想带去希望的问候:让每天的空气都是清新、让每天的心情都是舒展、让每天的收获都是充实
Blaster for more efficient shooting, as you can fire 12 darts in succession. The two flipping dart drums hold six darts each. Once you’ve used up the first drum, pull the secondary trigger to swap out for the second drum. Then you’re all set to save humankind from hordes ofzombies....
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Rules:This game is extremely simple. It's exactly like regular freeze tag, but with Nerf guns. If you are hit by an opponent, you must stop all movement (no reloading, relocating, et al.) until unfrozen by a team member. You are not required to strike a comical pose while frozen, ...
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