全称:“Assault Rifle”第一款nerf-Fortnite。换皮死拽夫,外形夸张。没什么好说的,前后管均不可拆卸,有两个机瞄。国内一直不温不火。共有五种涂装——AR-L(旗舰)AR-Durrr Burger (汉堡薯条,需要用贴纸贴上去,很诡异)AR-E (紫色)AR-Goosebumps (与Travis Scoot的联名款,混色迷彩,好看!现已炒到100刀以上。
【官方转载】NERF..已经在美国AMAZON上架的BASR-R,是Fortnite 系列的BASR-L的异色版。发射器带有瞄具1个+拉栓1对+6发造型弹匣1个+软弹12枚以及塑料草丛靶3个。-BASR是把栓狙造型发射器,总
Best Fortnite Nerf gun Fans of Fortnite will get a kick out of having a real-life counterpart to their digital guns, and theNerf Fortnite AR-L Eliteis the best option out there. It’s designed to look like the game’s Legendary Assault Rifle, with a bright yellow color scheme and bl...
The blaster features a rotating priming bolt that adds exciting action to every blast. Lift the bolt up and pull it back, then push it forward and swing it down to prime the blaster. Take aim at your opponents and pull the trigger to unleash 1 dart. The Nerf Fortnite HR...
另外有一个比较有意思的细节,玩具展所发表三款全新的fortnite发射器中,只有这款带了后缀【-L】,虽然不能说另外两款就肯定不会有异色,但是紫色的BASR-E和蓝色的BASR-R肯定不远了。中国台湾应该会进,中国大陆也有很大可能大家等等囉!BASR-L 为Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - Legendary 的简写也就是拉栓式狙击枪...