全称:“Assault Rifle”第一款nerf-Fortnite。换皮死拽夫,外形夸张。没什么好说的,前后管均不可拆卸,有两个机瞄。国内一直不温不火。共有五种涂装——AR-L(旗舰)AR-Durrr Burger (汉堡薯条,需要用贴纸贴上去,很诡异)AR-E (紫色)AR-Goosebumps (与Travis Scoot的联名款,混色迷彩,好看!现已炒到100刀以上。
2021 中旬新品单..B-ar价格不详长条弹飞轮电动半自动配十发弹夹机翻内容:B-AR 是一种类似于Rayven 的无托飞轮 夹系统爆破器。它基于Fortnite的Burst Assault Rifle武器,配色方案基于游
Fans of Fortnite will get a kick out of having a real-life counterpart to their digital guns, and theNerf Fortnite AR-L Eliteis the best option out there. It’s designed to look like the game’s Legendary Assault Rifle, with a bright yellow color scheme and block-y visual design comp...
Recent balance adjustments rolled out in Fortnite have significantly altered the drop rate of Slurp Juice, and the player base is divided over whether it’s a positive change or not. Announced in a tweet by the official Fortnite Status account on Wednesday (September 20), ...
(For the record, mine is the Fortnite SP-R even though I don't have it) I don’t have a number 1 favorite blaster but I have plenty of blaster I like. here are some of my favorites……… Strongarm—got me into this hobby. Stryfe...