nerf (accessoire de Willis, spinal)副 nerf (anal, hémorroïdal)肛门 nerf (auditif, acoustique)听 nerf (axillaire, circonflexe)腋 nerf (centrifuge, efférent)传出 nerf (centripède, afférent)传入 nerf (crural, fémoral)股 nerf (encéphalique, crânien)脑 ...
Nerf spinal accessoirePeer revieweddoi: O'BrienAide–lexamen Du Système Nerveux Périphérique
Nerf peronier accessoire. Etude electrophysiologiquedoi:10.1016/S0370-4475(86)80022-3Summary The extensor digitorum brevis muscle is innervated by the deep peroneal nerve. In some cases it has an additional innervation by the accessory deep peroneal nerve, a branch of the superficial deep peroneal...
Nerf accessoirePlexus cervicalAnastomosesBranche trapézienneBACKGROUND: Cardiac surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures worldwide with >700,000 surgeries in 2006 in the US alone. Cardiac surgery results in a considerable exposure to physical and emotional stress; stress-...
Lésions du nerf spinal accessoire (nerf accessorius): Accessory nerve injuries - ScienceDirectJ.-Y. AlnotLésions traumatiques des nerfs périphériques
The accessory nerve schwannoma localized in spinal canal is extremely rare; only nine cases have been reported in the literature until now. We report a new case of schwannoma at the spinal root of accessory nerve. A young woman aged 30 had a high cervical spinal cord compression with ...
Paralysie du nerf spinal accessoire après biopsie ganglionnaire cervicale : apport de la rééducationNerf spinalEMGRééducationThe involvement of neurotoxicants in the etiology of emotional pathologies is becoming an issue in neurotoxicology. Lead (Pb) exposure during childhood has been associated with...
Spinal accessory nerve palsy may lead to dysfunction or paralysis of the trapezius muscle. Common causes are iatrogenic or secondary due to trauma, infection or tumour. Idiopathic palsy is considered extremely rare. We present the case of a 42-year old Caucasian male suffering from a unilateral,...