For more information have a look at the upstream website: Version: 3.003 Which font? TL;DR Pick your font family: If you are limited to monospaced fonts (because of your terminal, etc) then pick a font with Nerd Font Mono (or NFM). If you wa... Updated Octicons font from v3.2.0 to v4.4.0 Last version with font support Adds glyphs: verified, smiley, unverified, ellipses, file, grabber, plus-smal...
GitHub is where people build software. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
This command will upgrade all the manifests that prevents error 429 from github's api. Run it from thebindir: gci ..\bucket\ |Select-Object-ExpandPropertyBaseName | %{ .\checkver.ps1-u$_;Start-Sleep1}
( --powersymbols Add IEC Power Symbols ( --pomicons Add Pomicon Glyphs ( --powerline Add Powerline Glyphs --powerlineextra Add Powerline Glyphs (
Install npm i@m234/nerd-fonts Repository Homepage Weekly Downloads 3 License ISC Unpacked Size 1.01 MB Total Files 17 Last publish a month ago Tryon RunKit Reportmalware
记录| ubuntu安装nerd-fonts git clone --depth=1 --recursive # 安装全部 cd nerd-fonts ./
[--progressbars | --no-progressbars] font Nerd Fonts Font Patcher: patches a given font with programming and development related glyphs * Website: * Version: 3.3.0-21 * Development Website: * Changelog: https://github....
HelloGitHub 评分 0 人评分 过去7 天共收获 106 颗 Star ✨ 认领 讨论 56.4k 星数 否 中文 CSS 主语言 是 活跃 205 贡献者 16 Issues 否 组织 3.3.0 最新版本 4k Forks 无 协议 更多 介绍 这是一个收集了 3600+ 图标的字体集合和补丁工具,该项目不是一个字体,而是一个可以将多种字体中的图标,作为...