前言:Windows Terminal 默认字体是 Cascadia Code 而不是 Cascadia Code PL,所以不支持PowerLine(PL),原本打算使用微软官方推荐的Cascadia Code PL,测试后发现部分主题样式还是缺少图标,所以就打算使用开源项目“Nerd Fonts”对字体库进行扩充修补,使字体库支持丰富的图标。 Nerd Fonts Nerd Fonts是一个使用大量字体图标...
Description of the new feature Cascadia Code (and Mono) are cool since it is developed for the modern coder. However, one could argue that a modern coder also looks "developer fonts" from the Nerd Fonts (https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd...
Updated various fonts: Victor Mono to 1.4.1 (PR #516 @ea2809) Hasklig to v1.2 (PR #555 @Tehnix) Iosevka to 6.1.3 (PR #622 @FollieHiyuki) Fira Code to 6.2 (PR #704 @gitfool) JetBrains Mono to v2.251 (PR #776 @moritzdietz) Cascadia to 2111.01 (PR #723 @Finii) Update ...
$PWD/font-patcher $PWD/CascadiaMonoPL-Semibold.ttf --octicons -out $HOME docker run --rm -v ~/myfont/patchme:/in:Z -v ~/myfont/patched:/out:Z nerdfonts/patcher docker run --rm -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patchme:/in:Z -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patched:/out:Z nerdfonts/patcher --font...
Over time this repo has accumulated a variety of fonts, not all of which are nerd fonts. The manifest generation is specifically for nerd fonts! Notable changes The regularCascadiaCode(not NF) font manifests wereconsolidated into a single manifest. This was done because theCascadia Code official...
对于独立开发者或是初创团队而言,Nerd-fonts同样能够带来不小的帮助。小王是一位热衷于开源项目的程序员,他在开发一款个人博客系统时,就充分利用了Nerd-fonts来提升用户体验。通过配置Cascadia Code PL字体,并结合Octicons图标集,小王成功地为他的博客后台管理界面增添了许多人性化的设计元素。例如,他使用了特定的图标来...
I've blogged aboutPatching the new Cascadia Code to include Powerline Glyphs and other Nerd Fonts for the Windows Terminalbut folks have asked very specifically, how do I make my prompt look like that? Step One - Get the Terminal
• Reserved Font Name:Cascadia Mono • Version:2111.01 • Info:Like Cascadia Code but without any ligatures Download CodeNewRoman • Version:2.0 • Info:Tunable, slashed zeros, compact smaller characters DownloadPreview ComicShannsMono ...
<family>Cascadia Code</family> <prefer><family>Symbols Nerd Font</family></prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>Hasklig</family> <prefer><family>Symbols Nerd Font</family></prefer> </alias> <alias> <family>Hasklig,Hasklig Medium</family> <prefer><family>Symbols Nerd Font<...
Caskaydia Cove SemiBold Nerd Font Complete Version 2111.1;Nerd Fonts 2.1.0 字体(字体家族名称:Cascadia Code SemiBold;字体样式名称:Regular),共5570个字符。字符分布范围:基本拉丁文,拉丁文-1补充,拉丁文扩充-A,拉丁文扩充-B,国际音标扩展,空白修饰字母,组合音标附加