The first sign of nephrotic syndrome in children is usually swelling of the face; this is followed by swelling of the entire body. Adults can present with dependent edema. Foamy urine may be a presenting feature. Fatigue and loss of appetite are common symptoms. A thrombotic complication, such...
NEPHROTIC SYNDROME AS PRESENTATION OF AMYLOIDOSIS: A DIAGNOSTIC CHALLENGE WITH UPCOMING THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS - European Journal of Internal Medicinedoi:10.1016/S0953-6205(08)60197-1M. WabbijnY. C. SchramaA. P RietveldElsevier B.V.European Journal of Internal Medicine...
The nephrotic syndrome at presentation of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; cause or coincidence? Diabet Med 1988; 5: 387-390.Dornan TL, Jenkins S, Cotton RE, Tattersall RB, Burden RP. The nephrotic syndrome at presentation of insulin-depen- dent diabetes mellitus; cause or coincidence?
Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome in a child with chronic hepatitis B infection At presentation the child had urinary tract infection (UTI) which was adequately treated. The child had persistence of proteinuria, even after completing 4... S Dhingra,M Kanitkar,P Sengupta - 《Medical Journal Arme...
An unusual pre- sentation for nephrotic syndrome. Bilateral perirenal subcapsular fluid collection. Nephron. 2002;92(1):244-245.Yalcin, A.U., Akcar, N., Can, C., Kasapoglu, E., Sahin, G., 2002. An unusual presentation for nephrotic syndrome. Bilateral perirenal subcapsular fluid ...
Nephrotic Syndrome as the Initial Presentation of Polycythemia VeraShehab TIsmail W
DiagnosisTreatmentChyluria implies an abnormal communication between the lymphatic system and the urinary tract. It is more frequent in endemic areas of lymphatic filariasis, which constitutes the main cause. Chyluria may mimic a nephrotic syndrome. Diagnosis of chyluria is based on urinary cytological ...
Nephrotic syndrome usually presents with oedema due to fluid accumulation in subcutaneous space. Renal subcapsular fluid accumulation is a rare presentation. We present a rare case of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis which presented with bilateral subcapsular fluid collection and was successfully ...
Nephrotic Syndrome from Primary Amyloidosis Can Be Linked with Multiple Myeloma: A Rare Presentation of a Casedoi:10.1681/ASN.20233411S11014cMasuma IslamMary's Hospital, Waterbury, CT;Raquel HoopesQuinnipiac University, Hamden, CT .Monzurul H. Chowdhury...
NEPHROTIC syndromeBREAST cancerCANCER in womenCANCER patientsGlomerular diseases may occur as primary manifestation of cancer, especially in patients older than 60 years. Among glomerulopathies, membranous nephropathy is preferentially associated with respiratory and gastrointestinal tract adenocarcin...