refractory to standard treatment, including steroid dependant and steroid resistant [4-6] or frequent relapsingnephrotic syndromein children and adults [7, 8], refractory focal and segmental glomerular sclerosis (FSGS) [9], and recurrence of FSGS after renal transplantation [10] as well as membrano...
Medical Definition nephrosis noun ne·phro·sis ni-ˈfrō-səs plural nephroses -ˌsēz : a noninflammatory disease of the kidneys chiefly affecting function of the nephrons especially : nephrotic syndrome compare nephritis ...
DefinitionofNephroticsyndromePathogenesisEtiologyClinicalpictureDiagnosticworkupPathologicalpictureComplicationManagements Proteinurea≥3.5g/day(protein:creatinineratio>3-3.5)Hypoalbuminaeia<3g/L GeneralizedOedema DAMAGED Proteinuria Primary(idiopathic):•MinimalchangediseaseMostcommoncauseinchildren•Membranous...
The meaning of NEPHROTIC SYNDROME is an abnormal condition that is marked by deficiency of albumin in the blood and its excretion in the urine due to altered permeability of the glomerular basement membranes.
题目 What is the definition of childhood nephrotic syndrome? 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析The nephritic syndrome is a clinical condition characterized byHeavy proteinuria: > 40mg/m2/hrHypoalbuminemia : < 30g/LHyperlipidemia : > 5.72mmol/LOedema:...
Definition of multi-drug resistant nephrotic syndrome Children resistant to CNIs may be treated with other steroid-sparing agents (see “Developing the PICO questions”; Fig.2and Supplementary TableS2). Patients with SRNS are defined as “multi-drug resistant” in the absence of complete remission ...
The most common diseases leading to the nephrotic syndrome are: Diagnosis 1. How do the clinical features of MCD, FSGS, and MN vary? MCD may lead to a mild or benign case of nephrotic syndrome. MCD is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children. Onset may be rapid, and spo...
DefinitionEtiologyPathologyPathophysiologyClinicalManifestationLaboratoryDataDiagnosisTherapyandPrognosisNephroticSyndrome Definition2Male4yearsand6monthsoldComplaintofedemaandoliguriaMale3Definition:NephroticCriteriaMassiveproteinuriaISKDC:>40mg/m2/hrCAN:>+++trice/2wor>50-100mg/kg/24hrMendoza:UrineProtein/Cr≥2.0Hypo...
Nephrotic Syndrome(NS)站 • Definition NSisanaccumulationofsymptomsandsignsandischaracterizedbyproteinuria,hypoproteinemia,edema,andhyperlipidemia.• Definition Inchildrenunderage5yearsthediseaseusuallytakestheformofidiopathic(primary)NSofchildhood.• ConditionsOfAttack ●Second onlytoacutenephri- tis●Incidence...
Define nephrotic. nephrotic synonyms, nephrotic pronunciation, nephrotic translation, English dictionary definition of nephrotic. n. pl. ne·phro·ses A disease of the kidneys marked by degenerative lesions, especially of the winding uriniferous tubules.