A preliminary report of the first ever National Economic Census conducted by Nepal's Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) revealed that there are as many as 922,445 economic establishments and 3,408,746 people were directly engaged in them. The CBS, the central statistics body of Nepali governmen...
The Constitution of 2015 provides local governments ample space within which to safeguard their political, fiscal, and administrative autonomy. It fully recognises them as an integral part of federalism in Nepal. Their powers and functions are broadly outlined in the Constitution, which embraces the p...
000 U.S. dollar mark for the first time, a major boost for the country which has targeted to upgrade from the least developed country to a developing country by 2022, Nepal's Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) said Wednesday.
Central Bureau of Statistics: Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, Survey Findings Report. In, Kathmandu. Nepal; 2020. Subedi N, Kandel D, Ghale T, Gurung B, Shrestha B, Paudel S, Subedi N, Kandel D, Ghale T, Gurung B et al. Causes of perinatal mortality and associated materna...
CBS (2013b) Small area estimation of poverty. Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal, ThapathaliSARAN, M. , MICHEL, C. & BORS, W. ( 1990 ). Reaction of NO with O 2− : implications for the action of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) . Free Radic. Res. Commun...
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). National Population & Housing Census 2021 (National report), Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Kathmandu, Nepal. [National Report]. 2021. Chalise D, Kumar L, Kristiansen P. Land degradation by soil erosion in Nepal: a review. Soil Syst. 2019. https:/...
Bureau of Justice Statistics Visiting Fellows Program http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/fellows.htm Under BJS sponsorship, Visiting Fellows research criminal justice topics of their choice. While in Washington they have office space at BJS, interact with BJS staff and other researchers, and have access...
The chapters are: Age sex distribution of pop... Lun Kc,Palamuleni Me,Hogg Rs,... - 《Katmandu Nepal Central Bureau of Statistics》 被引量: 332发表: 1995年 Domestic smoke pollution and chronic bronchitis in a rural community of the Hill Region of Nepal. An earlier study of chronic ...
NCBO Statistics - 《Katmandu Nepal Central Bureau of Statistics》 被引量: 49发表: 1993年 Preliminary results of the 1981 population census Preliminary results of the 1981 Hong Kong census are presented. In contrast to previous censuses the 1981 census was based on a short questionnaire comple......
KATHMANDU, April 28 (Xinhua) -- Nepal's economy is projected to grow 5.84 percent in the current 2021-22 fiscal year ending in mid-July, the country's Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) said Thursday. Officials from the agency said that the vaccination rate against COVID-19 has motivated...