AccessDrinking waterSanitationWaste disposal facilitiesSocioeconomicHouseholdsNepalIn recent years, researchers have paid increasing attention to the provision of access to clean and sufficient drinking water, sanitation facilities, and proper waste management in developing countries. This paper examines ...
Access to improved drinking water was also reported to have increased substantially, in the form of hand pumps in Rupandehi, but with piped water in Chitwan. Many mothers in both districts stated that they now have a toilet and that open defecation was much rarer. Various indicators of ...
hard to reach places. For many of the Lenovo volunteers, the experience of helping create sustainable change by creating access to clean drinking water left them with feelings of gratitude and empowerment.
Although the Constitution of Nepal mentions health as a fundamental right of the citizen and Article 35 of the constitution provides provisions for free health care, information about health care, equal access to health care and access to clean drinking water and sanitation, the nation’s weak he...
He added that the project is "very relevant" in Nepal, as many villages have no access to power supply. Under another project to be launched by the temple and foundation in Chongqing, advanced water purification equipment will be installed at 100 schools in Nepal, as the country has been be...
The goal of the study is to determine the degree of environmental inequalities and their changes over time. The study examines horizontal and vertical inequalities in access to drinking water sources, air and noise pollution exposure, and health effects based on self-reported household data. Results...
Since then, Nepal has made immense progress to improve the lives of children - from decreasing neonatal, infant and under-five mortality rates to raising school enrolment rates and significantly improving access to basic drinking water services. However, there are still pockets of children who ...
The drinking water service and users' perceptions of the state in Rolpa, Nepal Despite attempts by the Nepalese government to improve local governance of water, access to drinking water in the rural and mountainous regions of Rolpa is still poor. Difficult terrain, low rainfall, lack of ...
Some of the physico-chemical parameters shows that the spring water meets Nepalese drinking quality standards, indicating that the people using spring water have access to potable water. Water poverty index calculation was carried out for each of the VDCs which allow monitoring of a combination of ...
Risk Management in a Developing Country Context: Improving Decisions About Point-of-Use Water Treatment Among the Rural Poor in Africa More than 1 billion people, the vast majority of which live in the developing world, lack basic access to clean water for domestic use. For this reason, fi....