Nvim looks for these clipboard tools, in order of priority: - |g:clipboard| - pbcopy, pbpaste (macOS) - wl-copy, wl-paste (if $WAYLAND_DISPLAY is set) - xclip (if $DISPLAY is set) - xsel (if $DISPLAY is set) - lemonade (for SSH) https://github.com/pocke/lemonade - doit...
此时,clipboard 功能可用。 所以,我们想要使用 Neovim 的 clipboard 功能,一定要先确保在系统中已经安装了类似 xclip/xsel, wl-copy/wl-paste 或 pbcopy/pbpaste 这样的工具。 另外,如果你确信系统中已经安装了上述工具,但:checkhealth依然提示"No clipboard tool found"错误的话,那是因为你没有成功连接 X Server,...
- wl-copy, wl-paste (if $WAYLAND_DISPLAY is set) - xclip (if $DISPLAY is set) - xsel (if $DISPLAY is set) - lemonade (for SSH) https://github.com/pocke/lemonade - doitclient (for SSH) http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/doit/ - win32yank (Windows) - tmux (if $T...
Neovim 的 clipboard 功能依赖于系统中已安装的工具,如 xclip/xsel, wl-copy/wl-paste 或 pbcopy/pbpaste。在配置 Neovim 以访问 system clipboard 时,需确保与远程主机建立 X11Forwarding 连接以实现跨主机 Clipboard 访问。
MSI Downloadnvim-win64.msi Run the MSI Runnvim.exeon your CLI of choice Note: On Windows "Server" you may need toinstall vcruntime140.dll. macOS (x86_64) Downloadnvim-macos-x86_64.tar.gz Runxattr -c ./nvim-macos-x86_64.tar.gz(to avoid "unknown developer" warning) ...
Problem This is motivated by a possible bug in how getreg works. Running the following vimscript demonstrates the issue (you'll need wl-copy or an analogous tool): " this comment will be copied into both registers call system("wl-copy --...
{ key = "a", action = "create" }, { key = "d", action = "remove" }, { key = "r", action = "rename" }, { key = "x", action = "cut" }, { key = "c", action = "copy" }, { key = "p", action = "paste" }, { key = "s", action = "system_open" }, }...
Bug Fixes build:Fix exporting symbols on macOS Sonoma api: Handle NUL in nvim_err_write() and nvim_out_write() autocmd: Api functions accepting garbage after event name clang: Null pointer dereference in parse_msgpack clipboard: Don't pass --foreground to wl-copy ...
首先init.lua是整个配置的入口文件,负责引用所有其他的模块,基本上想要打开或关闭某个插件只要在这里修改一行代码即可。 basic.lua:基础配置,是对默认配置的一个重置。 colorscheme.lua:我们安装的主题皮肤配置,在这里切换主题。 keybindings.lua:快捷键的设置,所有插件的快捷键也都会放在这里。
copy('*'), }, paste = { ['+'] = osc52.paste('+'), ['*'] = osc52.paste('*'), }, } end -- augroup vimrc-auto-mkdir -- autocmd! -- autocmd BufWritePre * call s:auto_mkdir(expand(':p:h'), v:cmdbang) -- function! s:auto_mkdir(dir, force) -- if !isdirectory...