发送错误的补全起始位置给 LSP server。 LSP 服务端 completion 接受的 position 中的 charactor 字段应该是当前光标所在列,但是 LSP 却会发送当前单词第一个字母所在列,相关代码:https://github.com/autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim/blob/next/rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/LanguageClientSource.py#L23,这会导致部...
NeoVim配置文件 个人工作中经常需要查看Android代码,代码量相对较大,试了很多工具,始终觉得还是vim用起来比较顺手,无意间发现NeoVim,慢慢发现这玩意有点东西,所以就又开始折腾起来,打算从vim转向NeoVim,经过一番折腾,算是配置出来比较符合自己习惯的NeoVim。 初步整理了一份初版配置参数,先整理如下,以便随时取用。 1. ...
dnull.close()whilep.poll()orp.returncodeisNone:try: nvim =attach(*args, **kwargs)breakexceptIOError:# socket not ready yettime.sleep(0.050)else:# spawn embedded instancenvim_argv = shlex.split(progor'nvim --embed') + ctx.args nvim =attach('child', argv=nvim_argv)ifIS_PYTHON3:...
mainly because of python -- UI config vim.opt.number = true -- show absolute number vim.opt.relativenumber = true -- add numbers to each line on the left side vim.opt.cursorline = true -- highlight cursor line underneath the cursor horizontally vim.opt.splitbelow = true -- open new ...
Interactive evaluation for Neovim (Clojure, Fennel, Janet, Racket, Hy, MIT Scheme, Guile, Python and more!) fennel aerial.nvim 1,811 49 created 4 years ago / updated 4 days ago Neovim plugin for a code outline window lspneovim-0.5 zen-mode.nvim 1,796 20 created 4 years...
Moreover, the addition of tools such as code completion, continuous integration, syntax highlighting, and language server protocols have led to a suite of highly-functional, extremely convenient development environments. (I mean, with GitHub Copilot, the program essentially writes itself… ) ...
completion:auto-completion和 snippets support,需要额外插件 rename format:未研究 refactor:未研究 功能演示 查看定义,引用,帮助 代码片段 代码片段基于friendly-snippets插件实现,有需要可以进行自定义 输入特定字符串,会匹配到自动补全中的snippet类型 然后<C-p/n>进行上下选择,或者进行模糊匹配输入选择 ...
vim's rebirth for the 21st century. Contribute to blindFS/neovim development by creating an account on GitHub.
LSP并不是配置python开发环境的唯一方式,不过是一个有意思的方式。 她给VIM提供了更多类似与IDE的功能,而不是只有补全。 展示(所见即所得) Rename rename.gif auto completion autoCompletion.gif formatting fomating.gif hover hover.gif code linting
To use LSP, just open the file that is associated with the installed server (forbashit will be filename.sh). Now - just start coding. If everything went well, we will see a pop-up window with code completion. With the UP arrow and DOWN arrow we can choose which hint to accept. ...