I honestly am not sure whether to post this on vim-plug or here. So apologies in advance. So right now, I just placed plug.vim in ~/.config/autoload and tried to run :PlugInstall from nvim and the "this is not an editor command" keeps po...
:PlugInstall 如果报:PlugInstall threw "not an editor command" on Windows,那就是没有设置对init.vim的路径,可以运行:checkhealth根据提示进行配置。 参考 https://www.cnblogs.com/v3ucn/p/17070289.html https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug/wiki/tutorial https:/...
Not an editor command: PlugInstall when installing via cli #1125 Closed 11 tasks Author clebs commented Mar 31, 2024 • edited That is an interesting finding. Will report it there and see what the answer is: neovim/neovim#28128 Thanks for the detailed analysis! clebs mentioned this is...
内容如下: --- Lazy Config ---locallazypath=vim.fn.stdpath("data").."/lazy/lazy.nvim"ifnotvim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath)thenvim.fn.system({"git","clone","--filter=blob:none","https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim.git","--branch=stable",-- latest stable releaselazypath,})endvim.o...
GUIs, IDEs, web browsers can --embed Nvim as an editor or script host. Usable Strong defaults Works the same eveywhere: one build-type, one command Modern terminal features such as cursor styling, focus events, bracketed paste Build-in terminal emulator ...
Yes, not "neovim" but just "nvim". For example, to edit/etc/fstabenter the following command. sudo nvim /etc/fstab Now the fstab file will open as shown in the screenshot below. Don't worry if you cannot exit the editor; pressShift+Z+Z. For example, if this shortcut key confuse...
After building it, you can now install it using the command below. 1 sudomakeinstall To verify if it’s properly installed or not, you can just run thenvimcommand. Regardless of the approach you used, you should have Neovim installed in your system, and now you can use it for small or...
Fix for #2251 Oni does not correctly locate executables (#2440) 6年前 configuration Add an example of binding a shortcut to an internal command (#1933) 7年前 extensions Feature/fix buffer opening closing (#2644) 6年前 font-awesome
An extremely lightweight plugin (~ 120loc) that hightlights ranges you have entered in commandline. color statusline.lua 205 3 created 4 years ago / updated 8 months ago A zero-config minimal statusline for neovim written in lua featuring awesome integrations and blazing speed! bars-...
Step 2 - NeoVim as sudo editor To set NeoVim as the main system editor of thesudoeditcommand, edit thebashrcfile: sudonano~/.bashrc Then at the end of the file add: exportEDITOR="nvim" Save the file by pressingCTRL+x➔y➔ "return" key. For our edit to work, we still need to...