config/options.lua 中主要包含一些 neovim 的基本选项配置,不涉及到第三方插件: -- config/base.lua vim.cmd("syntax on") vim.cmd("filetype indent on") vim.opt.termguicolors = true vim.opt.smarttab = true vim.opt.swapfile = false vim.opt.showmode = false vim.opt.showtabline = 2 vim....
安装完成后就可以通过命令使用 telescope,进行快捷的模糊查询。:Telescope find_file为查找文件,Telescope live_grep为全局查询。为了方便,可以在 keybinding 配置中绑定为对应的快捷键。下面是我快捷键的对应绑定。 -- Telescope -- 查找文件 map("n","<C-p>",":Telescope find_files<CR>", opt) -- 全局搜...
设置top模式 在"~/.config/nvim/lua/config"下添加文件"neotree.lua",内容如下 require("neo-tree").setup({reveal=true,window={position="top",height=60,follow_current_file={enabled=true,-- This will find and focus the file in the active buffer every time-- -- the current file is changed...
config = function() local builtin = require('telescope.builtin') vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ff', builtin.find_files, {}) vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>fg', builtin.live_grep, {}) vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>fb'
To find replace the current word under the cursor in the current file use: <leader>s Code folding The ./ftplugin directory provides code folding settings. By default, folding by indentation level is on. za toggles folding for the current indent level. zR and zM unfolds and folds all respe...
如需查询其他目录下的内容,可在目标文件后写明搜索目录,如:AckFile! 搜索目标 搜索目录。 Neovim 基于nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim插件。<F9>进入后只需输入文件路径和文件名的几个字母,即可交互式查找文件位置。 🟦默认在当前工作目录下进行查找。如需查询其他目录下的内容,可手动输入命令:Telescope find_files...
Find FilesUses built in fzy filter + score, and ripgrep for file { producer = snap.get'consumer.fzy'(snap.get'producer.ripgrep.file'), select = snap.get'select.file'.select, multiselect = snap.get'select.file'.multiselect, views = {snap.get'preview.file'} }...
我的NeoVim配置 (A NeoVim Config for Colemak Users) PleaseDO NOTjust copy this config without really looking at it! Please, at least, read this README file! 安装后需要: Installpynvim(pip) Installnodejs Install nerd-font (actually it's optional but it looks real good) ...
ToggleTerm.nvim是一款专为Neovim设计的插件,它允许用户在编辑会话中轻松地持久化并切换多个终端。这一特性极大地提升了开发者的效率,使得多任务处理变得更加便捷。 关键词 Neovim插件, 终端切换, 编辑会话, 持久化功能, 多终端管理 一、toggleterm.nvim 简介 ...