这样,用户就可以构建一个运行在沙箱以外的modeline: # vim: set foldexpr=execute('\:source! some_file'): 对Neovim来说,还需要一个步骤来将execute()加入黑名单: execute({command} [, {silent}]) *execute()* Execute {command} and capture its output. [...] 该函数并不在沙箱|sandbox|中 也可以...
例如neovim下执行 Load userconfig(execute Ex commandsfromfiles, environment, …). An environmentvariable(e.g. $VIMINIT)isreadasone Ex command line,wheremultiple commands must be separatedwith'|'or<NL>. configinit.viminit.lua vimrc exrc A file that contains initialization commandsisgenerically call...
Try executing the command:lua print("Hello, world!"). The output should be rendered at the bottom of your screen. Again, you didn’t need to install Lua yourself in order to execute this code. The just-in-time compiler (LuaJIT) comes bundled with this version of Neovim, so as long ...
niuiic/translate.nvim - Invoke any translation engine via shell command. tanloong/interlaced.nvim - Help align bilingual parallel texts. Syntax nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter - Neovim Tree-sitter configurations and abstraction layer. nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects - Create your own...
FileType * exe "set syntax=" . expand("<amatch>")自动完成上述过程。首先删除所有和 FileType 相关联的自动命令,然后调用 exe (即 execute) 执行set syntax=filetype。execute 用于执行一个表达式字符串,由于未对 filetype 过滤,造成了命令注入。
neovim 取得了成功,vim 社区也受到了前所未有的挑战。所以 vim 社区重新实现了跟 neovim 相似的功能,...
nnoremap <C-l>:nohl<CR><C-l>:echo"Search Cleared"<CR>" When python filetype is detected, F5 can be used to execute script "autocmd FileType python nnoremap <buffer> <c-b>:<cr>:exec'!python'shellescape(expand('%:p'),1)<cr> ...
command: the shell command you want to execute. Settings g:asyncrun_exit - script will be executed after finished. g:asyncrun_bell - non-zero to ring a bell after finished. g:asyncrun_mode - specify how to run your command, see here. g:asyncrun_encs - set shell encoding if it's diff...
" When python filetype is detected, F5 can be used to execute script " autocmd FileType python nnoremap <buffer> <c-b> :<cr>:exec '!python' shellescape(expand('%:p'), 1)<cr> autocmd FileType python nnoremap <C-B> :sp <CR> :term python % <CR> ...
FileType * exe "set syntax=" . expand("<amatch>")自动完成上述过程。首先删除所有和 FileType 相关联的自动命令,然后调用 exe (即 execute) 执行set syntax=filetype。execute 用于执行一个表达式字符串,由于未对 filetype 过滤,造成了命令注入。