Neoregelia olens × cruenta Neoregelia olens × cruenta是植物界被子植物门木兰纲百合亚纲鸭跖草超目禾本目凤梨科彩叶凤梨属植物。
Neoregelia concentrica × cruenta Neoregelia concentrica × cruenta是植物界被子植物门木兰纲百合亚纲鸭跖草超目禾本目凤梨科彩叶凤梨属植物。
The bromeliad Neoregelia cruenta occupies mainly terrestrial but occasionally epiphytic habitats in the restingas (coastal sand ridge plains) of Rio de Janeiro (Reinert et al., 1996) and showhigh morphological plasticity under different light levels. Fully exposed plants have a tight impounding ...