1 ExchangeTransfusion:Neonatal Introduction Anexchangetransfusioninvolvesremovingaliquotsofpatientbloodandreplacingwithdonorbloodinorderto removeabnormalbloodcomponentsandcirculatingtoxinswhilstmaintainingadequatecirculatingbloodvolume.Itis primarilyperformedtoremoveantibodiesandexcessbilirubininisoimmunedisease,theincidenceofexchange...
生理性:足够的奶,排泄正常,益生菌;停母乳;不建议日光照,有紫外线辐射 病理性:带眼罩,灯疗(Phototherapy)/胆红素毯子产生的高能短波蓝光(波长420-460纳米),使胆红素溶于水,从而从肾脏排出体外;换血(Exchange transfusion); 参考资料
Red blood cell (RBC) transfusions are common in neonates requiring intensive care. Recent studies have compared restricted versus liberal transfusion guidelines, but limitations exist on evaluations of outcomes in populations that never required a transfusion compared to those receiving any transfusion. Al...
Effect of neonatal sepsis, endotoxin and exchange transfusion on the deformability of red blood cellspetrofabric analysissulfidesscanning electron microscopyelectron channelingPediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders ...
Maternal and fetal effects of exchange transfusion with a red blood cell substitute Recent reports have demonstrated the efficacy of Fluosol-DA (20%) as a temporary erythrocyte substitute. We investigated two groups of pregnant ewes that underwent exchange transfusion. In group 1, the animals underwe...
hemodynamic stabilization and surgical intervention in such cases. When the fetus is diagnosed with immune hydrops fetalis than parents need to be counselled for exchange transfusion after birth and need for storage of blood antenatally so that management of the neonate is not delayed. The outcome ...
Isovolumic double volume exchange transfusions were performed with perfluorocarbon emulsion (FC-43) on lambs who were ventilated to maintain normal acid base status. Hematocrit, fluorocrit, viscosity, arterial gas tensions, mean arterial pressure, and heart rate were determined before (control) and ...
Effect of exchange transfusion with a red blood cell substitute on neonatal hemodynamics and organ blood flows For neonatal recipients, we supply routinely concentrated red cells (CRC) divided into 3 packs by using the Sterile Connection Divice (SCD, Dupon, USA). This study shows the effectiveness...
Exchange transfusion of the blood in the newborn is the most effective method of treatment. The development of erythroblastosis fetalis in second and subsequent pregnancies can be prevented by administering anti-Rh gamma globulin to primiparous mothers with Rh-negative blood within the first three da...