Four Forums with 400 attendees identified the following priorities on which the Network has achieved significant progress with each expert group having a Chair, Steering Committee and members: 1) Maternity & neonatal clinical guidelines (has completed 14 clinical guidelines, $1.2 m fund...
Our Maternity & Neonatal solution, BadgerNet, offers a comprehensive, fully paperless system that supports the entire continuum of maternity and neonatal care. This system enhances patient safety, improves care coordination and supports compliance with national datasets and guidelines. BadgerNet ensures th...
Our Maternity & Neonatal solution, BadgerNet, offers a comprehensive, fully paperless system that supports the entire continuum of maternity and neonatal care. This system enhances patient safety, improves care coordination and supports compliance with national datasets and guidelines. BadgerNet ensures th...
Our Maternity & Neonatal solution, BadgerNet, offers a comprehensive, fully paperless system that supports the entire continuum of maternity and neonatal care. This system enhances patient safety, improves care coordination and supports compliance with national datasets and guidelines. BadgerNet ensures th...
User costs of maternity services in rural Tanzania. Afr J Reprod Health. 2002;6:65–73. Article Google Scholar Målqvist M, Lincetto O, Du NH, Burgess C, Hoa DTP. Maternal health care utilization in Viet Nam: increasing ethnic inequity. Bull World Health Organ. 2013;91(4):254–61....
The presence of those bacteria isolates in the neonatal and maternity settings highlights the need to regularly monitor their environment and execute infection control by improving hygiene and sanitation. Limitation of the study One of the study limitation was the fact that data were collected in a ...
Qualitative study of women’s experiences of safe childbirth in maternity care. Nurs Health Sci. 2018;20(3):331–7. Epub 2018 Aug 22. Article PubMed Google Scholar James-Scotter M, Walker C, Jacobs S. An interprofessional perspective on job ...
Risk factors for mortality in low birth weight infants at Harare hospital (maternity unit). Zimbabwe. 2018;2(1):33–41. Google Scholar Guinsburg R, de Almeida MFB, de Castro JS, Silveira RC, Caldas JPS, Fiori HH, et al. Death or survival with major morbidity in VLBW infants born ...
Endorsedby:StatewideMaternityandNeonatalClinicalNetworkHPatientSafetyandQualityExecutiveCommittee ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommonsAttributionNon-CommercialNoDerivatives2.5Australialicence...
Training for neonatal resuscitation with the laryngeal mask airway: a comparison of the LMA-ProSeal and the LMA-Classic in an airway management manikin. Background : Neonatal resuscitation is a mandatory skill for healthcare professionals involved in maternity suites. For ethical reasons, it is impo...