NEOCLASSICAL school of economicsIMMIGRANTSNEW School for Social Research (New York, N.Y.)GERMANSThe rise of European fascism in the 1920s and '30s triggered the greatest migration of intellectual capital the world has ever known. This paper is concerned with the German-speaking economists who ...
第一代新古典派经济学 在20世纪以后,现代西方经济学历经了“张伯伦革命”、“凯恩斯革命”和“预期革命”等所谓三次大的革命,形成了包括微观经济学和宏观经济学的基本理论框架,这个框架被称为新古典经济学(Neoclassical Economics),以区别于先前的古典经济学。新古典经济学集中而充分地反映了现代西方主...
5、The second part systematically compares the Austrian school and neoclassicalschool of economics, the so-called mainstream economics school, so as to betterunderstand the Austrian school of economics.第二部分对奥地利经济学派和所谓的主流经济学派新古典经济学派做一个系统而本质的比较,从而更...
例句与“ neoclassical economics " 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 A modern school of thought that promotes the construct is neoclassical economics. Literature He is known as one of the founders of neoclassical economics. WikiMatrix The “transaction cost” school of economics criticizes ...
Neoclassical growth theory 新古典增长理论 neoclassical production function 新古典学派生产函数 neoclassical school 【经】 新古典学派 neoclassical theory of value 【经】 新古典学派价值理论 classical economics n. 古典经济学 disequilibrium economics 不均衡经济学 相似...
Rational Economic Man: a Philosophical Critique of Neoclassical Economics - Hollis, Nell - 1975 () Citation Context is good science were, from my time at the New School, Edward Nell,sRobert Heilbroner and Adolph Lowe, and, from my time in Cambridge, Nicholas Kaldor.sNell and his ...
neoclassical economics a school of economic ideas based on the writings ofMARSHALL, etc., that supersededCLASSICAL ECONOMICdoctrines towards the end of the 19th century Frequently referred to as the ‘marginal revolution’, neoclassical economics involved a shift in emphasis away from classical economic...
3.One source of this disinformation is theneoclassicalschool of economics. 这些假情报的其中一个来源 就是新古典经济学派 4.The drawing room has recently been refurbished in theneoclassicalstyle. 会客厅最近重新装修过 采取了新古典主义风格 5.It reminds me of the greatneoclassicalbusts and you almost...
Finally, thiseconomic theorystates that competition leads to an efficient allocation of resources within an economy. The forces of supply and demand create market equilibrium. In contrast to Keynesian economics, the neoclassical school states that savings determine investment. It concludes that equilibrium...
The first school of thought that allowed economics to be treated as a separate discipline was classical economics, known as classical political economy. Classical economics is described as the science of distribution. However, the extent to which science prioritises distributional dynamics is debatable....