登录到Neo4j数据库的管理界面(通常是浏览器访问Neo4j的默认端口,如http://localhost:7474)。 检查用户管理部分,确认是否存在你尝试连接时使用的用户名。 检查该用户的密码是否正确,以及该用户是否具有访问数据库的权限。 核对客户端连接代码中的用户名和密码: 在你的客户端代码中,检查用于连接Neo4j数据库的用户名和...
NEO4j_server_bolt_advertised_address: localhost:11687 NEO4j_server_http_advertised_address: localhost:11474 NEO4J_server_bolt_advertised__address: neo4j:7687 NEO4J_server_http_advertised__address: neo4j:7474 server1: <<: *common-cluster @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ services: - "7474:7474" environment:...
@@ -198,12 +201,14 @@ public function begin(?string $database, ?float $timeout, BookmarkHolder $holder */ public function discard(?int $qid): void { $extra = $this->buildResultExtra(null, $qid); $bolt = $this->protocol();...
* Skips the tests if it is running on an aarch64 (Apple silicon / M1) architecture and no suitable image is available. * It does *not* skip the tests on general arm64 architectures. * If you are using an external Testcontainers runner (Testcontainers Cloud), you could skip the verificat...