:START_ID,role,:END_ID,:TYPE keanu,"Neo",tt0133093,ACTED_IN keanu,"Neo",tt0234215,ACTED_IN...
:START_ID,role,:END_ID,:TYPE keanu,"Neo",tt0133093,ACTED_IN keanu,"Neo",tt0234215,ACTED_IN...
与SQL一样,Neo4j CQL提供了一个IN运算符,以便为CQL命令提供值的集合。 IN操作符语法 代码语言:javascript 复制 IN[<Collection-of-values>] 它是由逗号运算符分隔的值的集合。 示例 代码语言:javascript 复制 MATCH (e:Employee) WHERE e.id IN [123,124] RETURN e.id,e.name,e.sal,e.deptno 15.INDEX索...
(4)逻辑运算 AND, OR, XOR(异或), NOT(5)字符串操作 +(6)List操作 +, IN, [x], [x .. y], not actor in(7)正则操作 =~ //后面可使用正则表达式匹配规则(8)字符串匹配 STARTS WITH, ENDS WITH, CONTAINS(9)示例:(9.1)XOR使用 MATCH (n) WHERE n.name = 'Peter' XOR (n.age < 30 ...
Next up we will add filtering to set more parts in motion: We take a list of user names and find all nodes with names from this list, match their friends and return only those followed users who have a 'name' property starting with 'S'. 代码语言:javascript 复制 MATCH (user)-[:FRIEND...
Documentation is not yet available, but you can list the available procedures within Neo4j using the queryCALL spatial.procedures This API uses theProcedurescapabilities released in Neo4j 3.0, and is therefor not available for Neo4j 2.x During the Neo4j 3.x releases, support for spatial procedures...
if not (where is None): if not (isinstance(where, str)): raise TypeError('where表示的是查询条件,它必须是字符串形式') if (properties is None) and (where is None): res = matcher.match(node_type) if len(list(res)) > 0: return list(res) ...
P84 列表推导式:list 推导式 P85 模式推导式 P86 Map 投射 P88 空值与真值表 NULL,AND,OR,XOR; 空值与 IN P92 函数 id(), type();其他函数 nodes() P145, labels() P130 P93 匹配多个关系的一个 P94 关系类型中的特殊字符使用单引号 `` ...
-- 统计属性个数,多个list要合并,且去重 用setMATCH (n)RETURN distinct keys(n)match (n) where n.remark is not null return count(*)MATCH ()-[r]->() where type(r) CONTAINS $relationshipName RETURN DISTINCT type(r) as relationshipName...
(a) for j in con: try: selector = NodeMatcher(graph) #创建图,实质上为句柄 # ---创建头实体节点--- entity1 = selector.match(j[1], name = j[0]) #检索是否存在头实体节点 if len(list(entity1)) == 0: #不存在头实体节点,则创建头实体 entity1_node = Node(j[1], name = j[0...