CREATE CONSTRAINT node_exists IF NOT EXISTS ON (p:Person) ASSERT IS NOT NULL (★) 如果标签为 Person 且属性为 name 的节点存在节点属性存在约束,或者名为 node_exists 的约束已存在,则不执行任何操作。如果不存在此类约束,则将创建该约束。 CREATE CONSTRAINT ON ()-[l:LIKED]-() ASSERT l...
# -- create if not exists ## 节点匹配对象 nmatcher = NodeMatcher(graph) ## 匹配节点 some_node = nmatcher.match(name='andy').first() print('节点是否存在', some_node) if some_node is None: some_node = Node(**some_node_dict) graph.create(some_node) graph.push(some_node) # 第...
Node labels节点标签Camel-case, beginning with an upper-case character驼峰式大小写,以大写字母开头:VehicleOwner rather than :vehicle_owner etc.车主,而不是: 车主。 Relationship types关系类型 Upper-case, using underscore to separate words大写,使用下划线分隔单词 :OWNS_VEHICLE rather than :ownsVehicle ...
session_c.execute_write(create_friendship, "Alice", "Bob") session_c.execute_read(print_friendships) # Create a person node def create_person(tx, name):"MERGE (:Person {name: $name})", name=name) # Create an employment relationship to a pre-existing company node # This relie...
命令描述CREATE VECTOR INDEX [index_name] [IF NOT EXISTS] FOR (n:LabelName) ON (n.propertyName) OPTIONS "{" option: value[, ...] "}"在节点上创建矢量索引。选项映射是强制性的,因为在创建矢量索引时必须设置矢量维度和相似性函数CREATE VECTOR INDEX [index_name] [IF NOT EXISTS] FOR ()-”[...
# Create new Person node with given name, if not exists already result =""" MERGE (p:Person {name: $name}) RETURN AS name """, name=name ) # Obtain most recent organization ID and the number of people linked to it ...
graph.query("CREATE CONSTRAINT IF NOT EXISTS FOR (c:KeyElement) REQUIRE IS UNIQUE") 此外,我们还为将要使用的节点类型添加了约束。这些约束确保了更快的导入和检索性能。 此外,你还需要一个 OpenAI API 密钥,并将其传递到以下代码中: os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = getpass.getpass("OpenAI ...
CREATE CONSTRAINT node_exists IF NOT EXISTS ON (p:Person) ASSERT IS NOT NULL (★) 如果标签为 Person 且属性为 name 的节点存在节点属性存在约束,或者名为 node_exists 的约束已存在,则不执行任何操作。如果不存在此类约束,则将创建该约束。 CREATE CONSTRAINT ON ()-[l:LIKED]-() ASSERT l...
create constraint entity_id if not exists for (c:__Community__) require is unique;create constraint entity_id if not exists for (e:__Entity__) require is unique;create constraint entity_title if not exists for (e:__Entity__) require is ...