The neo-Darwinian paradigm, focusing on natural selection of genes responsible for differential adaption, provides the foundation for explaining evolutionary processes. The modern synthesis is broader, however, focusing on organisms rather than on gene transmissions per se. Yet, strands of current ...
Define neo-Darwinian. neo-Darwinian synonyms, neo-Darwinian pronunciation, neo-Darwinian translation, English dictionary definition of neo-Darwinian. n. Darwinism as modified by the findings of modern genetics. Ne′o-Dar·win′i·an adj. Ne′o-Dar′win·
Niels Henrik Gregersen, ``The Complexification of Nature: Supplementing the Neo- Darwinian Paradigm?,'' Theology and Science, vol. 4, no. 1 (2006): 16 - 19.Niels Henrik Gregersen, ``The Complexification of Nature: Supplementing Neo- Darwinism,'' Theology and Science, vol. 4, no. 1 (...
Here we consider this approach from the perspective of the neo-Darwinian paradigm for evolutionary change. If adaptations are typically composed of large numbers of gene substitutions that are of small effect individually, then the candidate gene approach is unlikely to bridge the gap between ...
Determinism dominated the early Nineteenth Century as a central paradigm. Laplace assumed that given the positions and momenta at a given instant for all the particles in the universe, plus extensive computing capabilities (nowadays we would say "given a Cray supercomputer".) one could reconstruct ...