Correspondence to: (R.B.G.), (L.S.) SUMMARY 摘要 Neoantigens arising from mutations in tumor DNA provide targets for immune-based therapy. Here, we report the clinical and immune data from a Phase Ib clinical trial of a p...
, (L.S.)In briefIn a Phase Ib clinical study, Awad et al.demonstrate feasibility, safety, andimmunogenicity of NEO-PV-01 pluschemotherapy and PD-1 inhibition inadvanced NSCLC as a f i rst-line treat-ment. Neoantigen-specif i c CD4 + T cellshave ...
发表了文章2021-01-14 10:42 Cell | “最强”免疫疗法联合方案临床结果出炉 新生抗原NeoAG 原创Neo君 新生抗原NeoAG 2020-10-30 收录于话题 #新生抗原半月刊 23 #新生抗原 32 #肿瘤免疫疗法 24 #Neo-PV-01 1 #BioNtech 3 《NEO说》是裕泰抗原…阅读全文 0 评论 发表了文章2020-09-30...