用G8一定要换HDMI2.1,4k120重视画质的话,玩3A需要关掉所有以上的东西才行。 6楼2022-11-15 22:20 收起回复 心照璧 TNfilm 8 DP关闭VRR我确实没试过,买来默认打开了。现在发现关vrr不影响GSync的,我就无所谓了。现在4K+120用着还行,真想开240了顶着扫描线用也可以。DP+vrr+240hz那个扫描线看得我头皮...
三星neo g8 开..如图,开了vrr或者240hz,都会出现左图这种扫描线,并且感觉亮度色彩都有损失,但是不开vrr只开adaptive async的话,对应n卡的gsync compative会出现闪屏,感觉好难受,有
Hello, forgive my English, I am Spanish and I use a translator , I have had 6 neo G7 and 6 neo G8, to do tests and changes since some were defective, so in the end I have stayed with the neo G8. I wish I could get rid of the flickering I get when using gsync and adapt...
My previous monitor was a 24" gsync dell, so when I upgraded to this one I didn't think to disable the gsync option due to the fact this is a freesync monitor. There really wasn't much information about the G5 out there so diagnosing this was a huge pain. Hopefully someone who...
My previous monitor was a 24" gsync dell, so when I upgraded to this one I didn't think to disable the gsync option due to the fact this is a freesync monitor. There really wasn't much information about the G5 out there so diagnosing this was a huge pain. Hopefully someone who...