微軟Microsoft 365 Bus Standard 商務標準版多國語言下載版 $4406元 原價:4406元 技嘉GIGABYTE GV-N4060D6-8GD 顯示卡RTX4060 $9790元 原價:9790元 UMAX NB-DDR3 1600 8GB(512*8) /1.35V 筆記型RAM $790元 原價:790元 優派ViewSonic VP2756-2K 27吋IPS 2K液晶顯示器 ...
Neo Forza Trinity 6400 CL40 32 GB kit is the second kit (after the Neo Forza Trinity JetBlack 6000 CL40 2x 32GB) from the Taiwanese company (which was founded in 2018) that we had a chance to look at. It is a brand of Goldkey (which has existed since 1998) that focuses on enthu...
La fotografia è da sempre un punto di forza della tecnologia OPPO. Dal "Camera Phone” al "Video Phone 5G”", OPPO Find X2 Neo ha introdotto la nuovissima modalità video Ultra Steady 2.0 che combina OIS (Optical Image stablization) ed EIS (Electrical Image Stablization). Un effetto...