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ni haizen me zhao mama a xido nido wen“你还怎么找妈妈啊?”小鸟问。xido zhong zi xiang le xiang jue ding hai shi kuai kuai zhang da ba ye xu zhang da小种子想了想,决定还是快快长大吧,也许长大le jiu neng zhao dao ma ma le了就能找到妈妈了。xido niao dui fa...
HELP!There are some thing wrong with my computer!My English not so good,so I will use PININ to tell you the mistake.wo de dian nao de yu yan lan tu ran bu neng shi yong.ta hai zai ren wu lan shang,ye ke yi tiao huan yu yan,dan que wu fa zai wang ye,w
商标名称上海2021年世界技能大赛徽标 SHI JIE SHANG HAI SHI JIE JI NENG DA SAI SHANG HAI JI NENG SKILLS WORLDSKILLS SHANGHAI WORLD SHANGHAI 国际分类43-餐饮住宿 申请/注册号T2020022 商标状态商标已注册 申请日期2020-09-21 初审公告期号0 初审公告日期- 注册公告期号0 注册公告日期2020-09-21 专用权期...
but a place of daily life and collective memory. The aesthetics of a city is represented in urban planning, and also in every aspects of human life. Apart from finance, technology, the specific humanity and aesthetics of Shanghai contributes to the special aura of this ci...
英语翻译RTdian nao shang suo you shu ru fa du shan diao.wo shan le,dan mei yong,hai neng da ying wen.shu ru fa zhong bing du le,shan diao chong zhuang.wo shuo de shi xie zai,bi shi shan chu,hao xiang kong zhi mian banzi shan chu,bu xie zai.wo yao
neng xing 我能行ping shi baba mama song wo shang xue hou hai yao mang zhe shang ban 平时,爸爸妈妈送我上学后还要忙着上班、打sdo jia wu zuo fan zhen de hen in ku zuo wei jia zhong de yi fen 扫家务、做饭……真的很辛苦。作为家中的一分子,我ye hen xiang bang zhu baba mama zuo yi ...
2tu shang de dong wu wo dou ren shi wo hai neng xie chu ta men de ming zi ne三、图上的动物我都认识,我还能写出它们的名字呢!e^(2i) 3tu shang de dong wu wo dou ren shi wo hai neng xie chu to men de ming zi ne四、图上的动物我都认识,我还能写出它们的名字呢!
cai yi cai mei ge hua ping de hua duo shang hai you nǎ xie suan shi5.猜一猜,每个花瓶的花朵上还有哪些算式1+89-04+498 答案 5.1+83+57+26+32+68+09-05+41+74+498(答案不唯一)相关推荐 1cai yi cai mei ge hua ping de hua duo shang hai you nǎ xie suan shi5.猜一猜,每个花瓶的...