Find a red can, purchase a ticket, make your best guess for the Nenana Ice Classic, and win big!
2Branches0Tags Code README License Security Analyze Nenana Ice Classic or Curriculum Module Created with R2024a. Compatible with R2024a and later releases. Information This curriculum module contains interactiveMATLAB® live scriptsthat explore the Nenana Ice Classic data set of ice breakup times from...
Nenana Ice Classic: Final Update(9 May 2001) The ice on the Tanana River at Nenana, Alaska, finally broke on 8th May at 1:00 p.m.(Alaska time). It was a tense several hours as the tripod which had fallen over a few days ago, but remained held by the ice, shifted 90 feet in ...
The`Nenana Ice Classic'(which was featured on this site early this year[2])is a betting lottery which began at Nenana, Alaska, back in 1917 and has been run annually ever since. In January each year the townspeople mount a tripod out on the frozen Tanana River which runs through the to...
In Alaska, spring means betting in the Nenana Ice Classic
Drilling his own river ice pays off for Alaska manRACHEL D'ORO