阴湿的u voor alles wat ik onlangs betaald!Ik是echt geraakt diep搬运车binnen, ik Hedeheneng门deze genade!Misschien mensen echt niet samen moeten elke dag, misschien是唔操作echt的verliefd!Durf niet verwachten dat je en mij om de oude, verlaten om de geest van tijd van mijn leven genoeg的...
Although one can discuss if and what sort of ethics he has developed, there is a fundamental conviction to be discerned throughout his thought. That conviction is formulated by his pseudonym Johannes Climacus: as an existing and ethical being the individual "stands alone...
This is illustrated with an overview of work on the acquisition of verb second, showing amongst others intriguing differences between early and late acquisition. It is argued that there are no a priori (innate) features or categories but that these are derived based on the available distributional...
Biogeographical differences between two groups of regions were emphasized. Evidence of four woodland species suggested that regional abundance affected the probability of occurrence in small isolates.doi:10.1002/pssa.22...