and Biining, J., Oocytes develop from inter- connected cystocytes in the panoistic ovary ofNemoura sp. (Pictet) (Plecoptera: Nemouridae). Int. J. Insect Morphol. & Embryol., 19 (1990) 413-422.Gottanka J, Buning J (1990) Oocytes develop from interconnected cystocytes in the pano...
Leuctra sp., Nemoura sp., Perla sp.) and caddisflies (e.g. Sericostoma sp., Hydropsyche spp., Lepidostoma hirtum, and Rhyacophila spp.) are common. In the middle and low sections, these species are replaced by mayflies (Habroflebia, Habroleptoides, Ephmerella sp. Serratella sp.,...
n., China, transferred from Mesonemoura, S. formosana , sp. n. from Taiwan and S. inthanonica , sp. n. from Thailand. This genus is distinguished from related genera by its two simple cervical gills on either side and by the swelling segments of the nymphal cerci....
nov., N. magnispina Du and Zhou, sp. nov., and N. rotundprojecta Du and Zhou, sp. nov. The genus Nemoura is distributed in the Holarctic and Oriental regions. The species of Nemoura from China were studied mainly by Wu (1938, 1962, 1973), Zhu and Yang (2003), Li and Yang (...
Nemoura jejudoensis sp. n. is described from specimens collected on Jeju Island, Korea. A detailed redescription is given of Amphinemura baei Ham and Lee 1999, including new illustrations and scanning electron micrographs of adult genitalia based on numerous specimens collected f...
new speciesChinaTwo distinct new species of the genus Nemoura are described from China: N. baiyunshana sp. n. and N. tridenticula sp. n. Their relationships with the similar species are discussed. The types are deposited in the Entomological Museum of China Agricultural University, Beijing....
Nemoura rivorum, sp. n. belonging to the N. flexuosa-marginata group, is described. The species appears to be endemic to the Northern Apennines. It is spring emerger, occurring in brooks and spring rivulets between 350 and 1,450 m a.s.l. The description is supported by draw...
Du sp. n.ChinaTwo new species of the nemourid genus Sphaeronemoura are described based on males and females collected from Yunnan Province of southwestern China. The new taxa include S. kunmingensis Qian & Du sp. nov. and S. campylura Qian & Du sp. nov.. The new species are compared...