这款泡沫睡垫极其坚固且价格实惠。 🔹 Hornet系列帐篷 Hornet系列帐篷以轻巧和紧凑的设计而闻名,专为轻量化徒步旅行者设计,提供出色的防水性能和通风。 Nemo Hornet OSMO ultralight NEMO Hornet Elite 2P 🔹 Dragonfly 帐篷 这款帐篷适合全季节使用,具有出色的抗风能力和防水性能。它的内部空间宽敞,为用户提供了...
我的徒步伴侣:Nemo Hornet帐篷 在新西兰南岛徒步穿越Te Araroa路线时,我选择了Nemo品牌的Hornet双人帐篷作为我的徒步装备。这款帐篷设计为双层结构,包括内帐和外帐。尽管它的打包后重量为1.08公斤,在超轻徒步帐篷中并不占优势,但价格相对亲民。我在2021年4月购买时,市场价格为649新西兰元(约合2900人民币)。考虑到...
View the NEMO Hornet Product LineView all NEMO Backpacking Tents Technical Specs Best Use Backpacking Seasons 3-season Sleeping Capacity 2-person Minimum Trail Weight 2 lbs. 1 oz. Packaged Weight 2 lbs. 8 oz. Packed Size 7.5 x 12.5 inches ...
推荐型号:Nemo Equipment Obi 2、Nemo Hornet Elite 2 成立于2006年的Nemo是美国一家新兴户外装备公司,Nemo与美国陆军Natick实验室一直保持着合作,共同开发单兵野外生存及救护装备,部分美国特种作战团体小批量采用了Nemo的野营帐篷、睡袋、武器携行具等装备。
Made of tough coated nylon, the NEMO Hornet 2P footprint extends the life of your tent by protecting the floor from abrasive wear and tear. Color: GreyColor:Grey Quantity Shipping restrictions apply. REI return policy Features Sizing specific to the tent helps prevent water from pooling under ...
🔹 Hornet OSMO Ultralight 2P 是一款半自立式帐篷,重量轻且舒适性佳。 🔹 使用高性能、专有的 OSMO™ 聚尼龙防撕裂面料,潮湿时具有 4 倍的防水性和 3 倍的弹性。OSMO面料由100%再生纱线制成,不含PFAS。 🔹 头部空间有限,不适合高个子。 🔹 拥有较大的门厅和储物口袋,方便储物。💡 探索更多轻量...
🎉经过两年的搬家露营,我终于踏入了轻量化露营的领域!这次我选择了Nemo Hornet Osmo Ultralight 2P双人帐篷,搭配地垫,总重量仅一公斤,空间却出乎意料的大,颜色也非常适合拍照。配上矮脚月亮椅和小圆桌,吃饭、喝水、休息都绰绰有余。🎈装备清单放在最后了,如果换个大点的包,这套装备完全可以尝试重装徒步露营了!0...
I took Hornet 2 P away over the weekend and the first night is windy and you know with some tents you get that flapping sort of thing when windy. Well, the Hornet 2p didn't. And the second night it rained and at times real heavy and I was dry as a button. The next morning ...
NEMOHornet Elite OSMO 1P Tent $549.95 (0)0 reviews Sleeping Capacity: 1-person Minimum Trail Weight: 1 lb. 7 oz. Seasons: 3-season NEMOHornet OSMO 3P Ultralight Tent $549.95 (0)0 reviews Sleeping Capacity: 3-person Minimum Trail Weight: ...
20D Nemo Hornet Ultralight Backpacking Tent come with Aluminum Pegs,Reflective Rope&Carry Bag Fabric PU4000 20D Silicon coated Nylon+seam taped Season Four season tent Layers Double Set Up Easy to bulid Structure One Bedroom Pole Material