Finding Nemo is a 2003 American computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film written and directed by Andrew Stanton, released by Walt Disney Pictures on May 30, 2003, and the fifth film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It tells the story of an over-protective clownfish named Marlin (Albert...
(Edited by FANDOMbot) I eat fish I used to like it when I was a lot younger though. Finding NemoDisney Wiki DoryDisney Wiki BruceDisney Wiki
Finding Nemo is a manga adaptation of the 2003 Pixar movie of the same name written by Ryuichi Hoshino. It was initially released in Japan in 2003 and later in the United States on July 1, 2016. The story follows Marlin, a clown fish, who is highly overp
BUBBLES!!! BUBBLES!! [gibbering] My bubbles.Bubbles Bubbles is a yellow tang and a member of the Tank Gang in the 2003 Pixar film "Finding Nemo". He is a fish who was brought from Fish-o-Rama and brought to the dentist's office. Bubbles is voiced by Step
Release Dates 05/12/03THQ 12/06/03Yuke's 09/26/03THQ Community Stats Based on the hit movie from 2003 of the same name, Finding Nemo follows the plotline of the movie as Marlin searches for his son Nemo who gets fish-napped. Marlin sets off on a long journey to get his son back...
Nemo (ニモ Nimo) is originally a character from the Disney/Pixar film Finding Nemo. He is a secondary character in the Extended PnF Universe Series. He is a supporting character in the Future Heroes Series. Nemo is born as the last surving child of Marli
Finding Nemoär ett actionäventyr datorspel som utvecklats av Traveller's Tales och Vicarious Visions. WikiMatrix I loveFinding Nemo. Jag älskar "Hitta Nemo". OpenSubtitles2018.v3 'Finding Nemo'. Hitta Nemo. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Like Dory inFinding Nemo?
Captain Nemo is the antihero and deuteragonist of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Nemo has always been a mysterious character, always tending to keep to himself though he did reveal a few details of his past. He is a brilliant genius, having created the Na
Finding Nemo Year 2003 Wiki: updates / 4K restoration / Soundtrack Domestic Gross $ 380,843,261 Overseas Gross $ 555,900,000 Worldwide Gross $ 936,743,261 "Finding Nemo" Product Links at: / Amazon unbox / / / Sources...
NEMO 2011 : Finding Patterns of Human Behaviors in NEtwork and MObility Dataxgeorgiodlally