Nematode-trapping fungi are a unique and intriguing group of carnivorous microorganisms that can trap and digest nematodes by means of specialized trapping structures. They can develop diverse trapping devices, such as adhesive hyphae, adhesive knobs, adhesive networks, constricting rings, and non...
Nematode-TrappingFungi SweA 1 ,LiJ 2 ,ZhangKQ 2 ,PointingSB 1 ,JeewonR 1 andHydeKD 3* 1 SchoolofBiologicalScience,UniversityofHongKong,PokfulamHongKong 2 LaboratoryforConservationandUtilizationofBio-resources,andKeyLaboratoryforMicrobialResourcesofthe ...
ARTICLEReceived 20 May 2014 | Accepted 6 Nov 2014 | Published 16 Dec 2014Bacteria can mobilize nematode-trappingfungi to kill nematodesXin Wang 1, *, Guo-Hong Li 1, *, Cheng-Gang Zou 1, *, Xing-Lai Ji 1 , Tong Liu 1 , Pei-Ji Zhao 2 , Lian-Ming Liang 1 ,Jian-Ping Xu 1,3 ...
【预订】Nematode-Trapping Fungi 9789402407846 美国库房发货,通常付款后3-5周到货! 作者:Zhang, Ke-Qin出版社:Springer 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥1825 配送至 北京 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中国进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
Timm L, Pearson D, Jaffee B (2001) Nematode-trapping fungi in conventionally and organically managed corn-tomato rotations. Mycologia 93:25–29Timm, L., Pearson, D., & Jaffee, B. (2001). Nematode-trapping fungi in conventionally and organically managed corn-tomato rotations. Mycologia, 93, ...
Occurrence 果树根际食线虫真菌种类分布Surveys on nematode-trapping fungi in rhizospheres of apple and grape trees were conducted in Beijingvicinity. The numbers of nematode-trapping fungi in the endorhizosphere (rhizoplane) were much more than thatin the ectorhizosphere,while the numbers in the ecto...
Comparative genome and transcriptome analysis of the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans reveals high pathogenicity during nematode infectionNematode-trapping fungiDuddingtonia flagransComparative genomic analysisRNA-seqDuddingtonia flagrans is a nematode-trapping fungus that is widely used to ...
In natural environments, the nematode-trapping fungi can trap and kill nematodes. These fungi have two lifestyle phases: saprophytic and predacious16,17. In the absence of nematodes, these fungi live as saprophytes. Upon encountering nematodes, these fungi enter the predacious stage by producing ...
Nematode-trapping fungi are a group of soil-living fungi found worldwide. They capture and kill nematodes and are used as biocontrol agents against parasitic nematodes. The infection structures differ morphologically. Their traps can be classified into several main groups, including adhesive knobs, adh...
Nematode-trapping fungi 热度: mycorrhizal fungi:菌根真菌 热度: 双相型真菌(Dimorphism in Fungi) 热度: 相关推荐 中国农学通报2010,26(16):267-271 ChineseAgriculturalScienceBulletin 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(30571495)。 第一作者简介:魏志艳,女,1982年出生,黑龙江省鹤岗人,研究实习员,硕士,从事真菌学...