NEMAType3R,4,12and13 ULListedType3R,4and12 CSAType3R,4and12 IEC60529IP66 Note:DripshieldrequiredforNEMA3Rrating. N-28 ToOrder INduSrtyHEIgHtAWIdtHBdEptHC ModELNo.dESCrItpIoNStANdArd(inch)(inch)(inch) SCE-60EL2418FSNEMAtype3Rand4freeIS4602418 standingoutdoorenclosure SCE-72EL2418FSNEMAtype...
Type 9 : Class II, Group E, F or G Hazardous Locations - Indoor Enclosures constructed for indoor use in hazardous locations classified as Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F, or G as defined inNFPA70. Type 10 : Requirements of Mine Safety and Health Administration Enclosures constructed to...
Type 3R : Rain tight, Sleet Resistant - Outdoor Enclosures constructed for either indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection to personnel against incidental contact with the enclosed equipment - to provide a degree of protection against falling dirt, rain, sleet, and snow - and ...
NEMAvsIP 美国NEMA标准 和ISO IP 绝缘等级对照表
Click to learn more about NEMA 3R DDB NEMA 4/4X Enclosures Durable, dependable and American made. DDB's NEMA 4/4X enclosures are for indoor and outdoor use, they provide the same protections as NEMA 3's. Windblown dust, water elements rain, snow, sleet, ice formations, ingress of falli...
Technical Data CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers NEMA Type 3R Enclosures Application Construction Figure 1 NEMA 3R Enclosure 1 NEMA Type 3R enclosures are intended for outdoor use and designed to resist damage from external ice formation and protect motor control centers (MCCs) from rain. NEMA...
NEMA 4防水封闭式柜体购买指南说明书 Enclosures Right Now, Right Price.NEMA 4 Enclosures Buyer’s Guide
3RX Same as 3R, with additional protection from Corrosive agents. 3S Indoor or Outdoor Falling dirt, windblown dust. Dripping/light splashing. Rain, sleet, snow. External enclosure mechanisms operate when ice-laden. 3SX Same as 3S, with additional protection from Corrosive agents. 4 Indoor or...
Table 2-2 [From NEMA 250- 1997] Comparison of Specific Applications of Enclosures for Outdoor Nonhazardous Locations Type of Enclosure Provides a Degree of Protection Against the 3 3R* 3S 4 4X 6 6P Following Environmental Conditions Incidental contact with the enclosed equipment X X X X X X...
Nema Type 3R enclosure: for GPD 506/P5. (Product News).