These charts show many of the possible NEMA straight-blade configurations, from the common wall socket to more rarely seen plugs and receptacles. NEMA Straight-Blade Plug and Receptacle Configurations Classic straight-blade NEMA configurations are quick to plug in and unplug. Two-Pole, Two-Wire Two...
This identifier determines whether the device is a plug, P, or a receptacle/outlet, R.The North American Non-locking NEMA Configuration chart will help you determine the correct NEMA configuration for your North American applications.Use this chart to determine which general purpose NEMA plug or...
The NEMA standard uses an alphabetical approach to distinguish which is the plug and which is the receptacle. The letter P designates the plug and a R designates the receptacle. For example a 5-15P will plug into a 5-15R. NEMA Power Connectors 120VAC Power Connectors ReceptaclePlugPicture...
Receptacle and Plug 131 NEMA ML-2-15R ML-2-15P Midget Locking Type Receptacleand Plug 132 NEMA ML-3-15R ML-3-15P Midget Locking Type Receptacle and Plug 133 NEMA FSL 1Locking Type Receptacle and Plug 134 NEMA FSL 2 Locking Type Receptacle and Plug 135 NEMA FSL3 Locking Type Receptacle ...
Comparison Chart: Volts 250 mVParkworld 886139 Generator adapter cord NEMA L14-30 Plug male to Dryer 10-30 Receptacle female 250.00 VParkworld 885569 Shore Power 50A Male SS2-50P to 6-30R Welder Right Angle Female 30A Adapter Cord 240 VJourneyman-Pro Ol...
the voltage rating. The third identifier is a number which identifies the amperage rating. The fourth identifier is a letter which indicates if it is a plug, P, or a receptacle/outlet, R. See theNEMA Nomenclature Guideand theNorth American Non-locking NEMA Configurations Chartfor more details...
Universal International Multi-Configuration Plug Adapters. Adapters Accept Plugs from Several Diffrent Countries and then Mates to a Country Specific Power Receptacle. Entire List of International Plug Adaptors can be Viewed at this Adaptor Guide Link. Bulletin #ADAP-1Plug Adapters IEC 60320C-13, C-...