This identifier determines whether the device is a plug, P, or a receptacle/outlet, R.The North American Non-locking NEMA Configuration chart will help you determine the correct NEMA configuration for your North American applications.Use this chart to determine which general purpose NEMA plug or...
Locking Type Receptacle and Plug 131 NEMA ML-2-15R ML-2-15P Midget Locking Type Receptacleand Plug 132 NEMA ML-3-15R ML-3-15P Midget Locking Type Receptacle and Plug 133 NEMA FSL 1Locking Type Receptacle and Plug 134 NEMA FSL 2 Locking Type Receptacle and Plug 135 NEMA FSL3 Locking ...
Description: TRU-LOCK System, Locking Power Cords, Locking C-13 & C-19 Outlets & Connectors, Locking Power Strips LINK TO: Description: Locking Power Strip Bulletin, C-13 & C-19 Locking Power Strips LINK TO: Description: Din-Rail Mount Outlets, Din Rail Mount Electrical Outlets for ...