1963 …. He was born He began school He left school He was 12 and met Mandela Biography(人物 传记) The time of order Please read the passage carefully and try to finish timeline of Elias’ life He helped Mandela blow up some government buildings Intensive Reading(II) Please read the text...
1963 …. He was born He began school He left school He was 12 and met Mandela Biography(人物 传记) The time of order Please read the passage carefully and try to finish timeline of Elias’ life He helped Mandela blow up some government buildings Careful Reading(II) Please read the text ...
11、et Nelson Mandela Part2 Paragraph ( ) the change of Elias life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did1-23-5第18页/共36页. 1940 . 1946 . 1948 . 1952 . 1963 .He was bornHe began schoolHe left schoolHe was 12 and met MandelaBiography(人物人物 传记)传记)Please read the...
Paragraph(1-2)thelifeofElias’lifebeforehemetNelsonMandelaParagraph(3-5)thechangeofElias’lifeafterhemetNelsonMandelaandwhatMandeladid PleasereadthepassagecarefullyandtrytofinishtimelineofElias’life.Biography(人物传记)1940….Hewasborn1946….Hebeganschool1948….HeleftschoolHewas12andmetThetimeoforder1952…....
1963 . He was born He began school He left school He was 12 and met Mandela Biography(人物人物 传记)传记) Please read the passage carefully and try to finish timeline of Elias life Intensive Reading(II) Do their best How to make a great person? pay mo 8、re time never give upnever ...
Biography(人物传记) The time of order The time of order Please read the passage carefully and try to finish timeline of Elias’ life He helped Mandela He helped Mandela blow up some blow up some government government buildings buildings Decide whether they are true or false. 1. Elias...
MiniBiography:BornonSeptember20,1964inHongKong.Movedattheageof8withherfamilytoEngland,UK.UponfinishingsecondaryschoolshereturnedtoHongKongwhereshebeganmodelingandappearingincommercials.In1983sheparticipatedintheMiss HongKongpageantforwhichshewas awardedfirstrunner-up.Thisproved nottobeadetrimentasshewentonto become...
Nelson Mandela was a world-known politician and civil rights activist who fought against the Apartheid in Africa. Click for more facts or worksheets.
世界名人传记译丛·南非之父:纳尔逊·曼德拉传 [Nelson Mandela:A Biography] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 内容简介 《世界名人传记译丛·南非之父:纳尔逊·曼德拉传》将以一种全方位的、不偏不倚的视角,把曼德拉立体形象呈现给读者。传记叙事交织着文化、社会、政治以及个人力量等各种因素,读者可以从中...
1、,Unit 5 Nelson Mandela A modern hero,Huang Haishao,21.指导,领导 22.法律的,依照法律的 23.费(会费,学费) 24.失业 25.怀有希望的 26.青年,青年时期 27.青年团 28.阶段,时期 29.投票,选举 30.进攻,攻击,guidance,legal,fee,out of work,hopeful,youth,Youth League,stage,vote,attack,31.暴力,...