MAXNMAXRUnits per case 24Accuracy 70–100% ±2Accuracy 60–80% ±324±2±324±2±324±2±324±2±324±2±3Non-adhesive for patients with fragile skin Adult, neonatal, pre-term infant Single-patient-use, suitable for continuous monitoring Name Nellcor™ SpO2 non-adhesive sensor, ...
Nellcor™ SpO2 Forehead SensorThis thermal image shows ahealthy adult exposed to coldtemperatures for 45 minutes.The fingers, ears and nose arecold, indicating vasoconstriction and low peripheral perfusion,while the forehead temperature remains warm.When Timing is Critical...
ADVERTENCIA:Elsensorextrapoladatosapartirdelafechay delahoraqueindicaelN-600xalguardarelregistrodeeventos enelsensor.Laprecisióndelafecha/horaesresponsabilidaddel N-600x.SerecomiendaqueelusuariodelN-600xconfigurela hora/fechaconelvalorcorrectoantesdeconectarcualquier sensordeeventosactivadoparagrabaryquedic...
MAX-N-INellcor™ SpO2Adhesive Sensors, Neonatal/Adult <3 kg or >40 kgCase24 MAX-I-INellcor™ SpO2Adhesive Sensors, Infant 3-20 kgCase24 MAX-P-INellcor™ SpO2Adhesive Sensors, Pediatric 10-50 kgCase24 MAX-R-INellcor™ SpO2Adhesive Sensors, Adult Nasal >50 kgCase24 ...
柯惠Covidien Nellcor PM10N脉搏血氧仪是一款方便的手持式监护仪,非常适合在各种医疗bao健和家庭使用环境中进行抽查或连续监测。其符合人体工程学的外形和简单的设计使其使用直观,操作简单。柯惠Covidien Nellcor PM10N脉搏血氧仪包括:便携式SpO2患者监护仪1成人Durasensor可重复使用传感器(DS-100A)4 AA Duracell电池1用户...
Used NELLCOR N-600 OXI MAX Oximeter - Pulse For Sale - DOTmed Listing #933569: NELLCOR N-600 WITH NEW PRE AMP CABLE (extension cable) AND NEW NELLCOR DS-100A FINGER SENSOR (as shown in the pictures, the cables are new in the box never opened) $595.00 B
N-595 PulseOximeter Operator’sManual NellcorPuritanBennettInc.isanaffiliateofTycoHealthcare.Nellcor,Oxiband,Durasensor, OxiCliq,Dura-Y,MAX-FAST,andOXIMAXaretrademarksofNellcorPuritanBennettInc. ThisISMdevicecomplieswithCanadianICES-001. CetappareilISMestconformeàlanormeNMB-001Canada. ...
The MAX-FAST sensor also offers an alternative when the hands are not accessible. OxiMax SoftCare nonadhesive sensors, which fit securely without adhesives, are a smart choice for patients with fragile skin, such as geriatric or burn patients. FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION The OxiMax N-...
[人 SS 这马 EEfation rm Functicns 民生 有 1 亿全 PE 有全导全于 于 geleet an spparoptiate Raor PPprztanu 贡 erme 红 SamSOT 3 日 BRpPjy 让如 te patient jjowinpg 记 ia sensor 机 -rections Enr US (See Septinm ecor Prziph 如 EPE 芝 SEE TCDDnec 钊 e SensGr 雪圳 2 -180...
Nellcor、 Oxiband、 Durasensor、 OxiCliq、 OxiBand、 Dura-Y、 MAX-FAST、 SatSeconds、 PediCheck、 Oxismart 以及 OXIMAX 都是 Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc. 公司的商标。 要获得任何有关授权的信息,请致电 Nellcor 技术服务部或当地代表。 购买本设备并不表示获得任何 Nellcor Puritan Bennett 专利的明确或...