NEJM:美国住院医师早晨工作记录 Knowledge is power. 让科研和SCI论文成为临床工作的副产品。 关键词:SCI论文;投稿;模板 前言: 新英格兰医学杂志(The New England Journal of Medicine, NEJM)是国际最知名的医学顶级期刊,定期刊登一些精美的医学人文的小文,其刊登的BECOMING A...
84. Sniderman AD, D'Agostino RB Sr, Pencina MJ. The role of physicians in the era of predictive analytics. JAMA 2015;314:25-26. 85. Krumholz HM. Big data and new knowledge in medicine: the thinking, training, and tools needed for a learning health system. Health Aff (Millwood) 2014...
2. Brown K, Leggat PA. Human monkeypox: current state of knowledge and implications for the future. Trop Med Infect Dis 2016;1:8. 3. Parker S, Buller RM. A review of experimental and natural infections of animals with monkeypox virus be...
McMahon GT, Drazen JM. Introducing NEJM Knowledge+ and Its Adaptive Personalized Learning. New Engl J Med. 2014;370(17):1648-9.McMahon GT, Drazen JM. Introducing NEJM Knowledge+ and Its Adaptive Personalized Learning. N Engl J Med 2014;370:1648-9....
38. Lahm T, Douglas IS, Archer SL, et al. Assessment of right ventricular function in the research setting: knowledge gaps and pathways forward. An official American Thoracic Society research statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018;198(4):e15-e43. ...
[2 ] Giuseppe Mancia. Evidence in favour of ambulatory bloo d pres sure grows but gaps in knowledge remain. Lancet. 2023 May 5: S0140-6736(23)00442-7 . doi: 10.1016/ S0140- 6736(23)00442-7 [3] Banegas JR, Ruilope LM, de la Sierra A, et al . Relationship between Clinic and ...
中国膳食营养摄入情况 [营我生知识库]
reports of the proportion of time they have hard or lumpy stools versus loose or watery stools.1 The rationale for these subtypes is to improve the homogeneity of patients recruited for clinical trials, guide effective diagnosis and therapy, and increase knowledge of potential pathophysiological mechan...
“The mission of NEJM Group is to advance medical knowledge from research to patient care, making the connections between developments in clinical science and clinical practice to improve healthcare quality and patient outcomes worldwide,” said David Sampson, Vice President of NEJM Group. “Wolters...