What does the saying 'Neither here nor there' mean? Idiom: Neither here nor there Meaning: If something is neither here nor there, it is of very little importance. Country:International English |Subject Area:General|Usage Type:Both or All Words Used ...
What does the saying 'Neither use nor ornament' mean? Idiom: Neither use nor ornament Meaning: Something that serves no purpose and is not aesthetically pleasing is neither use nor ornament. Country:International English |Subject Area:General|Usage Type:Both or All Words Used ...
【5】Who can think of a situation ___ this idiom can be used? 【6】He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings ___ we should have been asleep. 【7】There is only one thing ___ I can do. 【8】The two things of ___ they felt very proud are Jim’s gold watch and...
Either/Or, Neither/Nor First things first: If you are using either and nor together, I hate to break it to you, but you’re doing it wrong. Additionally, nor is generally not used where neither is not also used. Got enough negative terms in there for you? Here’s an example of wha...