"Robert Jones’ set design makes full use of the Kiln’s deep stage, scattering it with art deco lamps, and Neil Austin’s wonderfully evocative lighting transports us to a place where free-flowing Bourbon can drown an abundance of sorrows."...
Sodium street-lamps are not the most pleasant of sources, because hot sodium vapour emits light in only two wave-lengths, rather than a continuous spectrum. Interestingly, cooler sodium vapourabsorbsthe same two wave-lengths. The same is true of other elements: theyemitcertain wave-lengths when ...
Though the fresnel lens reduces the light output a little, the beam is much more focused and can therefore create a shaft of light through smoke, which open-face lamps cannot. Hence I sometimes use tungsten fresnels to simulate hard sunlight when shooting on a stage. But beware that shadows ...
The street rose above her, curving uphill for a short distance until it disappeared in the crest, and she was surprised to see that there was no one there. Cones of light from the streetlamps cut the darkness, and even the shadows of the clapboard-covered houses weren’t enough to truly...
an Astera tube on a DJ’s desk and a few floor lamps added to the light. Most of the nasty ceiling lights were turned off, but two or three were snooted with black wrap and allowed to spill a little onto the scene. Reverses were fairly simple, shooting into the window which threw be...
so it’s quite slow-going to work in there. We fire a 5K fresnel through the stained glass window at the back of the set. Then I fall back on the tried and tested method of cross-backlightingeven though I know that it will be hard to hide the lamps(a 650W fresnel in both of ...