a system allowing organized groups of people to police their neighbourhoods to prevent crime.grupo de vigilancia vecinal ˈneighbouringadjective near or next in place.France and Belgium are neighbouring countries.vecino ˈneighbourlyadjective
The distribution of a stored product beetle within the region apprars to depend on climate and thr food preferences of the human inhabitants of the various countries.doi:10.1080/00779962.1988.9722525Archibald, R. D.Maddison, P. A.Taylor & Francis GroupNew Zealand Entomologist...
关键词: prunus, grapevines, control de enfermedades, paises mediterraneos, mediterranean countries, virosis, virus de las plantas, pays mediterraneens, citrus, vid, virus des vegetaux, viroses, disease control, virose, plant viruses, controle de maladies, vigne 年份: 1984 收藏...