Which reminds me, in my book on Neighbouring and older people I quoted the striking example from Tony Parker's The people of Providence, of 87-year-old Mrs Williams: ‘The person I like best is my neighbour next door, the one who goes and gets my pension from the post office for me...
Neighbourhoods with low social capital and bad reputations are becoming even more deprived, with increased homelessness, poverty and gang violence. In Swed
The neighbourhood services were divided into seven categories: grocery shops, postal and financial services (post office, bank), healthcare (GP, clinic, ambulatory), gastronomy (cafe´, bar, pub, restaurant), education (schools, kindergartens), administrative (institutional) services, other services...
Like much of the housing constructed during the 1970s in Japan, Takashimadaira conforms to modernist design principles. It is comprised of near-identical 14-storey long-thin slab blocks organised in a largely regimental fashion east-west across the site. The aesthetic is essentially uniform. All ...
Edward P, Evans D. “Loneliness - What characteristics and circumstances are associated with feeling lonely? - Office for National Statistics,” 2018. [Online]. Available:https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/articles/lonelinesswhatcharacteristicsandcircumstancesareassociatedwithfeeli...
toprovidetheseservicesandacitygrows. Ineverymajorcityintheworld,thereisabusinessdistrictwherethebig companieshavetheirmainoffices.IntheUnitedStates,thisareaisusuallyinthe citycentre.Itisherethatyoucanseethehugeskyscraperofficeblocks.Thepeople whoworkhereoftentravelalongwaytoworkeachday.Manyofthemliveinthesuburbs ...
Also whenever I do go somewhere, then the next day the whole office knows that I went out to the trendy bar where the youngest amongst our staff go out to or went somewhere but didn’t come home with the driver (if a friend dropped me off) and it makes people wonder. Also I gave...
(If either service isn't running, these also won't take effect until either the next reboot, or until the services are manually started) If you have used WINS, you'll also want to switch that off as well. If it's allocated via your router using DHCP, cle...
Wang never accepts payment for his repair services. He tells people that the great pleasure he gets from working on their bicycles is more than money. He thinks one can take up his interest out of love instead of only for making money with it. Mr. Wang often tells his stories about the...
[134]. Moreover, rapid urbanisation and population growth aggravate inequity by constraining government ability to deliver basic services and resources, limiting urban residents’ access to green spaces, particularly the low socio-economic status groups [135], who already live in less green ...