Participate in free, public health and wellness classes near you to improve your well-being. Find a Doctor Find CareFind a doctor, dentist, specialty service, hospital, lab and more. Find the Right CareUnderstand where to go when you need care. ...
Lengths or heights and weights were measured by WIC staff during the administration of services in WIC sites, and these measurements have been previously reported to have high validity [31]. These anthropometric measurements were used to calculate World Health Organization (WHO) body mass index z-...
Our needs are at best minimally addressed. Affordable quality health care should be accessible to all residents. This rational for this is evidenced by the manners in which the Southeastern sections of Queens has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The health of your neighbor can have an ...
Bodenreider, O., “An object-oriented model for representing semantic locality in the UMLS,” Stud Health Technol Inform, 2001, vol. 84, Part 1, pp. 161-165. Bodenreider, O., “Circular hierarchical relationships in the UMLS: etiology, diagnosis, treatment, complications and prevention,” Pr...
nor is sipping champagne in the South Pacific on our fully staffed yacht. But on either extreme or somewhere in between, mental health affects us all. We exist together, connected by neighborhoods and greater societies, and often judge from afar, at what is crazy to us, never understanding ...
Local services and amenities, neighborhood social capital, and health. Soc. Sci. Med. 2004, 59, 1219–1229. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Calem, P.S.; Gillen, K.; Wachter, S. The neighborhood distribution of subprime mortgage lending. J. Real Estate Financ. Econ. 2004, 29, ...
The literature on obesity and urban planning has grown in recent decades. One strand of the literature—which falls under the rubric of social ecology—builds on a much older scholarship on how geography and local circumstances shape health outcomes. A second strand examines how urban design shapes...
皇冠高地 (Crown Heights) 安保社区关怀中心位于布鲁克林 (Brooklyn) 的心脏地带,是安保健康保险和卓护医疗中心的第一个健康中心的一部分。这个位置对于许多社区成员来说,都被视为家外之家,并提供健身和保健课程。
Am. J. Public Health, 104 (2014), pp. 854-859 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Sahlqvist et al., 2012 S. Sahlqvist, Y. Song, D. Ogilvie Is active travel associated with greater physical activity? The contribution of commuting and non-commuting active travel to total physical activity in adult...
安保健康保险公共关系办公室 |电子邮箱 纽约州纽约市 -安保健康保险是一家以使命为导向的非营利组织,拥有 80 多年服务于纽约社区的传统。安保健康保险最近举办了一场精神健康资源展览会,以打破围绕心理健康的污名化,并将社区成员与提供精神健康服务的资源和组织联系起来。