Conditions of the excitation of toroidal Alfv,n eigenmodes (TAEs) and their inf luence on the confinement of fast particles into the Globus-M spherical tokamak have been studied by KINX code calculations of the magnetohydrodynamic spectra of reconstructed divertor equilibrium configurations with ...
Private Krankenversicherung Eigenverantwortung statt Kaskomentalitaet 机译:私人健康保险个人责任而非综合心态 获取原文 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 著录项 来源 《Deutsches Aerzteblatt. Ausgabe A: aerztliche Mitteilungen》 |1997年第27期|共页 作...
Lees, J.; Poireau, V.; Prencipe, E.; Prudent, X.; Tisserand, V.; Garra Tico, J.; Grauges, E.; Lopez, L.; Palano, A.; Pappagallo, M.; Eigen, G.; Stugu, B.; Sun, Luyan; S. Abrams, G.; Battaglia, M.; N. Brown, D.; N. Cahn, R.; G. Jacobsen, R.; T. Kerth...
LARGEFOLLYTONSHow do the eigenvalues of a "free" hermitian N x N matrix X(t) evolve in time? The answer is provided by the rational Calogero-Moser systems if (!) the initial conditions are chosen such that i[X(0), X(0)] has a non-zero eigenvalue of multiplicity N - 1; for ...
If chi is a Dirichlet character of conductor l0, we prove that eigencurve Cl20 is smooth at generalized critical Eisenstein series of weight 2, Ecritp2,c,c-1 . We assume that endoscopic transfer for classical automorphic representation of definite unitary group U(n) exists. We construct a ...
Alfv?n Eigenmodes and Geodesic Acoustic Modes Driven by Energetic Ions in an LHD Plasma with Non-monotonic Rotational Transform ProfileGAMRSAEneutral beamIn the Large Helical Device (LHD), a reversed magnetic shear (RS) configuration having non-monotonic rotational transform profile was formed by ...
establishment of tempering of einankerumformern with eigentransformator.DIPL. ING. ERNST KLOSS
While the eigenphases can vary significantly for the differentnparametrizations, the locations of most T -matrix poles are relatively stable. We also find the partial-wavenamplitudes for 蟺N elastic scattering to be quite stable. By turning on and off the explicit Chew-Mandelstam polencontributions...
We obtain upper bounds for the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of a tube around a complex submanifold P of CP~n(λ) which depends only on the radius of the tube, the degrees of the polynomials defining P, and the first eigenvalue of the tube around some model centers. The bounds are sharp ...
Die aktuelle Reichweitenmessung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online-Forschung zeigt, dass unter den Vermarktern vor allem jenseits der Top Ten immer mehr Printverlage mitmischen und klassische Online-Vermarkter auf hintere Plätze verweisen. Aber bei den größten Online-Medien gibt es einige ...